Betsy DeVos

“President Biden can and must cancel student debt with the stroke of a pen. We urgently call on him to act,”

Pressley, Warren, Schumer, Others Call On Biden To Tackle Student Debt Crisis

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02) led their ...

It seems implausible that Trump will win any sizeable percent of female voters in 2020, but then it seemed implausible in 2016,

Why Women should not Vote for Trump in November

[Women’s Votes &Trump] PeaceVoice\Finley: “Trump will still appeal to some female voters. And, since polls are showing him behind Joe Biden, Trump’s campaign is ...

Without action, America will needlessly expose another generation of students of color to unfair treatment in the classroom

Rep. Scott Calls on DeVos to address systemic racism in education

[Department of Education] Rep. Scott: “Racist policies and practices are ingrained in our institutions both in name and in effect, including in preschools, elementary ...


AFT President 2020 Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Public Schools

[American Federation of Teachers\Randi Weingarten] Weingarten: “The PDK poll confirms once again what we know to be true: Public schools are supported by an ...


AFT’s Weingarten Rejects Trump’s Schools Reopening Guidelines

[American Federation of Teachers\Randi Weingarten] Weingarten: “If people are looking for someone to blame for school buildings staying closed, they should look no further ...


Congressional Democrats to DeVos: Stop Robbing Public School Students

[Betsy DeVos\Privatization] House Education & Labor Committee: “The Department’s rule is both substantively and procedurally improper and will divert precious resources from the nation’s ...


AFT’s Weingarten Responds to Trump’s Hypocrisy on Reopening Schools

[Reopening Schools] Weingarten: ” It seems the lives of kids and teachers are less important to the president than those of GOP delegates.” Photo: ...


Education Job Losses to Top 1.4 Million Without Urgent Federal Stimulus

[COVID-19\School Funding] Weingarten: “Our nation is at a critical crossroad, and the decisions Congress and the president make in the next two weeks will ...

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DeVos’ School Privatization Funding Attempts Escalate After Espinoza Ruling

[Betsy DeVos\School Privitization\Espinoza Ruling] Weingarten: “It is telling that, after spending more than three years doing nothing to help the public schools that 90 ...

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AFT’s Weingarten: U.S. Supreme Court’s Espinoza Ruling Threatens Public Education

[Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue] Weingarten: “Never in more than two centuries of American history has the free exercise clause of the First ...