Amy Coney Barrett

men must leave the sidelines in this national reproductive rights emergency.

Men’s Voices Needed To Defend Reproductive Rights Against Right-Wing War On Women

Photos: Twitter\YouTube “It’s on us to listen, to speak out, and to take action. Not because women are our mothers, sisters, wives or friends—but ...

national campaign calling on Justice Clarence Thomas to pack it in

Letter to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: Time to Pack It In

Photo: Wikimedia Commons When it comes to the Supreme Court, I favor unpacking it more than packing it. Let me unpack my logic. I’m ...

If the Trump administration dares to question the results of the election, it will be a moment to take to the streets

America Needs Critical Patriotism Now Not Mindless Jingoism

[Critical Patriotism] PeaceVoice\Carey\Myers: ” Consider that it is the movements for the rights of those excluded—African-American, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ people—that hold this nation to ...

intimidating alpha males who pose a grave threat to society

Trump’s America and The Last Stand of White Male Patriarchy

[White Patriarchy] PeaceVoice\Okun: “How is it possible that once again —just as in scores of mass shootings—few commentators are willing to state the obvious: ...

Judge Barrett's failed civil rights record, the flaws in the nomination process, and the risk to voting rights,

Civil Rights Groups to hold virtual conference opposing Barrett nomination

[Amy Coney Barrett] The Zoom discussion will start run from 11:15AM EST – 12:00PM EST. Zoom ID# 819 3487 2563 Passcode: 441968 Dial-in: (312) ...

It seems implausible that Trump will win any sizeable percent of female voters in 2020, but then it seemed implausible in 2016,

Why Women should not Vote for Trump in November

[Women’s Votes &Trump] PeaceVoice\Finley: “Trump will still appeal to some female voters. And, since polls are showing him behind Joe Biden, Trump’s campaign is ...

Amy Coney Barrett’s supreme court hearing on Capitol Hill.

Amy Coney Barrett’s Hearing kicks off with Hypocrisy and Healthcare

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg] The Guardian: “A visitor from outer space might have thought that they were the upholders of civics and civility at the ...

Trump himself recently tested positive, as did Melania, and members of his inner circle,

Trump’s America the Terrible: What Comes Next is Up to Us

[America the Terrible] Peace Voice\Koehler: “I know this much. It’s too late to put the cork back in the bottle. What we’re heading toward ...

I strongly oppose this nomination and we must fight as hard as we can to ensure that this nominee is not confirmed."

Sanders Calls Republicans’ Supreme Court Nomination “An outrage”

[Supreme Court\Amy Coney Barrett ] Sen Sanders: “The American people will not stand for this cynical effort to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, just ...

Amy Coney Barrett fits the profile. Through her legal writings and three years as a judge on the Seventh Circuit, she has demons

NAACP Condemns Trump’s Supreme Court Pick and Abuse Of Power

[Amy Coney Barrett] NAACP: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s vow to confirm any Trump nominee—represent a corrupt overreach by a president and Senators who ...