American Economy

Child care is the work that enables all other work

We Can Grow The American Economy By Investing In Affordable Child Care

Photos: Twitter\Childcare Aware In April 2021, more than 200 leading economists signed an open letter to Congress encouraging lawmakers to make long-overdue public investments ...

“The votes have been counted and Joe Biden is the President-elect of the United States.

Republicans and Independents for Biden Congratulates Joe Biden on becoming President-Elect

[Christine Todd Whitman] Todd Whitman: “The American people elected Joe Biden because he has shown that the has the strength of character and experience ...

Small Business 2020

Small Business Struggles Don’t Bode Well for Economy

[Black Business\Small Business] Andi Gray: “Small businesses make up 50 percent of the gross-domestic product and also employ half the workforce. What happens to ...

DNC's Platform Guarantees a Loss If Democrats Don't Do More

DNC’s Platform Guarantees a Loss If Democrats Don’t Do More

[2020 Election] Common Dreams: “Simply repealing whatever Trump has done is not a positive vision for the future. If ever there was a time ...


Rep. Scott: Heroes Act would stop “Prolonged Economic Depression”

[American Economy] Rep. Scott: “If President Trump and Senator McConnell continue to block a comprehensive relief package, our country will likely suffer a prolonged ...