“America First!”

Nations of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your wars.

Nations of The World Must Unite to End War

Photo: YouTube Russia’s war upon Ukraine should remind us that violent international conflicts not only persist, but constitute a plague upon the world. Over ...

Why Is Military Spending Drastically Increasing While Necessary Social Welfare Spending Continues Stagnating?

Photos: YouTube\Facebook Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for U.S. education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe ...

Why, then, is U.S. military spending increasing?

Why Is Military Spending Drastically Increasing While Necessary Social Welfare Spending Continues Stagnating?

Photos: YouTube\Facebook Although critics of the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan to increase funding for U.S. education, healthcare, and action against climate catastrophe ...

From his seat in Congress, Paul Gosar has done a lot for white supremacists and other extremists in recent months.

Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar Champions American Racism And White Supremacy Inside Congress

Photos: Twitter\Video Screenshot From his seat in Congress, Paul Gosar has done a lot for white supremacists and other extremists in recent months. The ...

VP Harris

The Meaning of Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ Election—A Global View

Vice President Kamala Harris–new possibilities for U.S.. Photo: Wikimedia Commons [View From London] The election of Donald Trump as president in 2016 took the ...

Antony Blinken for Secretary of State; Alejandro Mayorkas for Homeland Security; Avril Haines for Director of National Intellige

Biden’s Foreign Policy Team Signals Return to Global Multilateral Diplomacy

Photos: YouTube Dream Team? President-elect Joe Biden has introduced his foreign policy and national security team, and it is certainly a far cry from ...

New chair

Rep. Greg Meeks is First African American to Chair House Foreign Affairs Committee

Rep. Greg Meeks. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (NY-05), senior Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was elected to Chair the ...

So, this Thanksgiving, Biden supporters can give thanks to Indigenous Peoples.

Native Americans Should be Thanked this Thanksgiving for Biden Victory

Photo: YouTube For those of you who wanted to see Donald Trump skedaddled from the White House, this is the week you should be ...


Donald Trump: A President Who Doesn’t Believe In Science on Covid-19 and Climate Change

Donald Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore For decades after WWII, the U.S. stood across the world as a mighty colossus. We were the richest and ...



[Trump’s “America First” Policy\COVID-19] Roger Kimmel Smith: “The President attempted to shift blame for the disaster away from his own administration toward the WHO ...