Star Wars Outlaws Review: A Bold Yet Flawed Adventure in the Galaxy’s Underworld

Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws is a new addition to its universe Star Wars universe, which brings about an extensive open-world gaming experience for the first time in the history of Star Wars. Players will take on the role of Kay Vess, who is a skilled armed robber working in the center of the galaxy. The game’s launch date is set for August 30th, 2024, and received reviews that are both positive and negative by critics. Some found it worth their time while others have rejected it outright.

Gameplay and Exploration

One of the most praised aspects of Star Wars Outlaws is its immersive open-world design. Players can explore iconic locations like Tatooine and Kijimi, engaging in a vibrant environment filled with bustling streets and interactive characters. The game encourages exploration, rewarding players for their curiosity rather than simply following a trail of quest markers. The world feels alive, with dynamic interactions that lead to spontaneous quests and memorable encounters.

Star Wars Outlaws combines gameplay elements from Uncharted and Watch Dogs, offering stealth, combat, and platforming. Kay’s unique skills and her companion, Nix, add depth to the gameplay. The game’s reputation system, similar to GTA and Red Dead Redemption 2, impacts player choices and alliances.”

Narrative and Character Development

“While the gameplay is strong, the narrative has been criticized for its lack of depth. Kay Vess, while interesting, is seen as one-dimensional. Her motivations, focused on a big heist for a better life, don’t resonate as much as players might hope in the Star Wars universe. Critics have noted that the game doesn’t fully explain her background or the stakes, which makes it harder for players to connect with her story.”

“While the narrative aims to break away from traditional Jedi-focused Star Wars stories, focusing on the criminal underworld, the execution has been inconsistent. Some reviewers feel that the story doesn’t fully live up to its potential.”

Technical Aspects and Overall Experience

Despite its many strengths, Star Wars Outlaws is not without flaws. Some reviewers pointed out technical issues and a lack of polish that can detract from the overall experience.

Transportation Limitations

One significant disappointment is the limited transportation options available to players. Unlike other open-world titles, Outlaws restricts players to Kay’s speeder bike, which can be upgraded for better maneuverability. The absence of diverse vehicles to commandeer feels like a missed opportunity, especially in a universe as expansive as Star Wars. The bustling settlements and various vehicles in the environment serve as a reminder of what could have been.

Stealth and Combat Mechanics

The game’s stealth mechanics present a mixed experience. While Kay has access to a rhythm-based lockpicking system that is both engaging and satisfying, the overall stealth gameplay is inconsistent. Moments of stealth can feel overly simplistic, while other instances can be frustratingly unpredictable.

Combat System

Combat in Star Wars Outlaws leans heavily on cover-based shooting. The sound effects and visual feedback provide an authentic experience, but the lack of innovation in combat mechanics makes encounters feel repetitive. Players often rely on explosive barrels and adrenaline rush abilities to gain an advantage, echoing gameplay elements seen in other titles.

Space Combat and Syndicate System

In addition to ground combat, Outlaws features thrilling space battles that capture the essence of Star Wars dogfights. Players can engage in intense encounters with TIE fighters and other ships, offering a welcome break from on-foot missions. However, some players may find the space battles to be too easy.

Quest Design and Narrative Flow

The quest design in Star Wars Outlaws transforms simple missions into remarkable journeys. Gamers might find themselves escaping sandworms during seemingly mundane tasks, adding unexpected excitement and making the main story even more engaging.

Technical Issues

Despite its engaging gameplay, Star Wars Outlaws suffers from a range of technical issues. Players may encounter graphical glitches, mission prompts failing to trigger, and audio dropouts during dialogues. These bugs can detract from the overall experience, making it advisable for players to wait for patches before diving into the game.

Final Thoughts

Star Wars Outlaws offers an exceptional take on the favorite franchise, a combination of adventure, stealth, and combat. While it displays creative missions and a captivating universe, the game struggles with technical issues and a lack of innovation. Players looking for a story-driven Star Wars experience may find delight in Kay’s journey, but those looking for revolutionary gameplay may be left inadequate.

In conclusion, Star Wars Outlaws is like the Millennium Falcon a mix of charm and flaws, capable of delivering excitement while also facing challenges. While it may not redefine the category, it certainly has moments that echo with fans of the franchise.