Sources Say Trump Indictment Likely “In Months”

Gathering storms. Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore

The Black Star News has learned through sources close to the Special Counsel investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential campaign that Robert Mueller has collected enough evidence to indict President Trump for obstruction of justice.

Additional criminal charges may be filed against the President, such as fraud and money laundering, matters still being actively investigated, the sources say.

Legal experts think how those latter investigations turn out will most likely determine whether Mueller chooses to criminally indict Trump himself or pass the evidence he has gathered along to Capitol Hill for lawmakers to decide if impeachment proceedings are warranted.

But sources close to the Special Counsel Investigation believe otherwise, and think Mueller does not trust Congress to handle such proceedings appropriately.

Mueller may charge Trump just with obstruction “within months,” one source said. Mueller, “already has enough evidence to indict” Trump with obstruction, this source said.

There is of course a debate as to whether Mueller has the authority to indict the president.–just-not-by-mueller/2017/07/27/a597b922-721d-11e7-8f39-eeb7d3a2d304_story.html

The obstruction charge stems from Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey last May, but also overlaps with the investigation into former Trump National Security advisor Gen. Micheal Flynn, which Mueller’s investigators are only beginning to grasp the full scope of, in part due to the recent arrangement brokered between Flynn’s attorneys and Mueller.

A second source says the new aspect of the charges of obstruction include Flynn and his son, Micheal G. Flynn, being offered $15 million to “kidnap” Turkish cleric Muhammed Fethullah Gülen –currently living in the Poconos, in Pennsylvania– on behalf of the Turkish government, which claims he was the mastermind behind Las year’s coup attempt.

The Special Counsel Investigation is also looking possibly to charge Trump with fraud and money laundering and are probing friendships and associations the President has with organized crime figures in New York, New Jersey and abroad, including Russia.

Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law Jared Kushner are also to soon be staring down “serious criminal charges” primarily for “refusing to cooperate” with the Special Council Investigation and the pending investigations in both House and Senate investigations. “It appears, as least on the surface that both Trump Jr. and Mr. Kushner believe they will ultimately receive presidential pardons,” the source said.

The Special Council is reportedly attempting to make arrangements with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office to ensure that if both family members receive pardons from the President, some of the charges can be transferred and pursued at the state level, where presidential pardons are not legally applicable in criminal cases.

According to another source close to the Special Counsel Investigation, Mueller’s team has noticed two emerging patterns since they launched their investigation.

“No matter what we look into, the dominoes always fall in one direction and even more striking, is just how easy it has been to peel open each layer in the onion. I’ll just leave at that.”