Rwanda Opposition Warns Gen. Kagame Of Consequences Of His Reckless Life-President Power Grab

Gen. Kagame’s New Year’s gift to Rwanda — Himself as Life dictator


During a televised year-end speech on Dec 31st, 2015, Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame officially crowned himself president for life.

Citing the just concluded sham referendum that amended the 2003 Constitution, he stated: “You demanded that I lead the country beyond 2017,” adding, “I can only say yes”.

The Rwanda National Congress (RNC) wishes to inform all Rwandans and the international community that, given Rwanda’s recent history, this latest act by President Kagame destroys any hope for democracy in the short term, with dire consequences for Rwandans and the Great Lakes sub-region.

In its previous statements, RNC has warned Rwandans and friends of Rwanda that, should President Kagame decide to recklessly decide to stay in power undemocratically, the likelihood of peaceful power transition becomes impossible, while instead giving way to renewed violence, destruction and bloodshed.

In his speech, President Kagame alludes to possible future conversations involving those with “misguided or deliberately harmful criticism”.  People should not misconstrue these words as a sudden warming up to the idea of dialog with the opposition to the regime.

He is instead attempting a charm offensive to explain away his dangerous action to an increasingly critical international community.

RNC reminds President Kagame that friends and allies of Rwanda like the EU, the United Kingdom and the USA have lost faith in him as demonstrated by their public statements denouncing the blatant manoeuvrings that preceded the sham referendum.

RNC feels obligated to warn President Kagame and his clique that they should, and will, bear the full consequences of closing all paths to a peaceful transition to democracy.

RNC calls upon the people of Rwanda to unite and intensify their quest to regain their freedoms and rights.

RNC also calls upon the friends of Rwanda, international organizations, and countries, specifically those in the Great Lakes Region, to urgently move beyond words and actively engage Rwandans in their struggle to remove the dictatorial regime in Kigali.

It is time to replace such a regime with a new political dispensation founded on the  rule of law, respect of human rights, and democracy.

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa
Rwanda National Congress (RNC)
Washington, D.C.