Proud Boys furious at gay men for taking over #ProudBoys hashtag

[Proud Boys]
Yahoo: “Sunday, gay activists used the group’s banishment as an opportunity to take over the #proudboys hashtag.”
Photo: YouTube

Last week President Trump made waves during the first presidential debate after he refused to clearly denounce white supremacy while giving alt-right group The Proud Boys a shout-out.

Now that very same group is in an uproar after gay men rushed to Twitter to co-opt their hashtag and replace it with images of LGTQ+ love.

The Proud Boys were banned by Twitter in 2018 due to allegations of toxic and abusive language.

So while they have no official presence on the social media platform, the re-emerged gleefully after receiving what they perceived to be a message of support from POTUS during last week’s debate against Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Since then they have been celebrating their infamy on Parler, a fairly new social media app that has become popular among conservatives.

But Sunday, gay activists used the group’s banishment as an opportunity to take over the #proudboys hashtag.

According to Forbes, “The hashtag trended in North America throughout Sunday with gay Twitter users sharing images of themselves, their spouses and other gay people.

Read rest of story here.