Powernetworkingseries.com Makes NY Enterprise

Powernetworkingseries.com, a referral-based online and offline business network offering monthly networking events to members, was named one of New York’s top networking groups in the July 15, 2006 issue of New York Enterprise Report.

The Power Networking Series, run by Phil Andrews, is a premier networking organization which has operated in the NYC metropolitan area for well over a decade.  

The group’s primary mission is to increase the number of quality contacts that Power Networking members are exposed to at the Power Networking events. Business development is at the core of the Power Networking Business Series. Viable and meaningful contacts lead to increased business in the marketplace.

Everyone needs a vehicle by which to get where they want to go.  The Power Networking Business Series is the vehicle of choice for Power Networkers seeking Powerful Relationships.

The Power Networking Business Series provides an environment where members can effectively market their products and services.

The Power Networking Business Series database enables members to form reciprocal relationships with other Power Networking members, thereby creating a vehicle, which is conducive to business growth and development.

The Power Networking Business Series (PNBS) will be a source of information in a variety of ways to its members, i.e., Invites to all Power Networking Events, Invites to all Non Power Networking Events, E-mail bulletins, Printed articles, Power Networking Online Newsletter, Offline newsletter, New referral contact list.

The Power Networking Business Series has an ongoing commitment to maximizing the human contacts that are exposed to the Power Networking meetings and to develop power relationships over a period of time based on those relationships.  Viable and meaningful contacts lead to increased business in the marketplace.

The Power Networking Business Series recently launched its 2007 membership drive.

About New York Enterprise Report:

Robert S. Levin, is Founder and President of RSL Media LLC and publisher of The New York Enterprise Report (The Report).  The Report, in print, online and at events, features how-to articles written by experts to help leaders of small businesses increase revenue, reduce costs and build value. Since its launch in 2003, The Report has become a must read for anyone who wants to grow their business.

Prior to launching the New York Enterprise Report, Robert was CEO of Profile Pursuit, a custom magazine publisher.  At Profile, which published magazines for organizations such as Crunch Gyms, the ATP, and the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), he led the efforts on transforming the company’s sales process as well as improving relationships with the company’s partners.

To Join the Power Networking Business Series log on to our website at www.powernetworkingseries.com and click on the membership link. To be placed on our email list for upcoming events or the receive our Power Networking Series Newsletter, logon to www.powernetworkingseries.com and scroll down to bottom of page and add email to subscribe to our email list.

For more information on the New York Enterprise Report, log on to http://www.nyreport.com .

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