POP Announces Martin Luther King March & Rally For Black Liberation On Jan. 15

By Lawrence Hamm

Photos: Facebook

The Martin Luther King March & Rally For Black Liberation will take place on Monday, January 15, 2024, 2:00pm, starting at the Martin Luther King Statue, 495 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Newark, NJ.(973)801-0001.

The event is sponsored by the People’s Organization For Progress (POP). The Martin Luther King Statue is located near the corner of Springfield Avenue and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.

POP has held a march observing Dr King’s birthday annually for nearly 36 years. The march is being held on January 15th which is the actual birthday of Martin Luther King. Dr King’s birthday and the national holiday both occur on the same day this year.

“Everything Dr. King fought for is being eradicated right before our very eyes. With regards to racial equality and justice this country is going backwards. That’s why the theme of this year’s march is Black Liberation,” Lawrence Hamm, Chairman, People’s Organization For Progress stated. “We are marching to draw attention to the plight of African Americans in the United States which we believe is deteriorating. Racial segregation, racial inequality, racial discrimination and racial violence against Black people are still glaring features of Black life in America as they were during Dr King’s lifetime.”

“The great achievement of the Civil Rights Movement was the destruction of the Jim Crow racial apartheid legal structure in the United States. However, while legalized segregation was outlawed de facto segregation still exists,” Hamm added. “In fact, in some ways America is more segregated today, in the 21st century, than it was when Dr King was assassinated in the 20th century.”

“The racial disparity in wealth and income between blacks and whites is obscene. Black people still suffer a disproportionately higher rate of poverty. And we still face discrimination in housing and employment,” Hamm said. “African Americans are still among the foremost victims of racially motivated violence and murder in this country. The police continue to brutalize and kill us in ever increasing numbers. And we are the victims of mass incarceration, wrongful arrest and conviction by the racist criminal justice system.”

“The right-wing forces of racism, fascism, and white supremacy are growing in power and threaten to openly take over the government,” Hamm stated. “The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, crown jewels of the Civil Rights Movement, have been gutted. Affirmative action is being eliminated. Hundreds of bills have been introduced to interfere with our right to vote.” 

“Even the teaching Black History is being prohibited and repressed in schools and colleges,” Hamm added. “Dr King’s work is far from finished. This year’s march is a clarion call to action. We must fight back. We ask everyone opposed to racism and injustice to join the march. The struggle for Black liberation must continue.”

Organizations that wish to endorse the march and people who need more information can contact the People’s Organizations For Progress at (973)801-0001.