Police Brutality Is The Unwritten Policy

NYPD’s Daniel Pantelaeo killing Eric Garner over a “loosie” he didn’t even have

With respect to “Man Dies After He Was Handcuffed…” and “Oakland Police Sued In Killing of Unconscious Black Man..” the horrible actions of police officers are the result of the real departmental guidelines that officers on the street follow.

No government worker can continue on the job if they constanty ignore offfical policies. Whether it’s the mail man, fireman or sanitation worker it is impossible to stay employed if the individual varies too much from the established rules.

The problem is that the policies police actually respect aren’t publicly declared or committed to writing. However those initiated into police culture know exactly what is expected of them.

Harrassment of minorities, summary executions and other obnoxious behavior is what officers are instructed to do in order to maintain law and order. The fraternal order of police defends its members because they know that whatever crimes are committed derive from unofficial but effective policies of their superiors.

Consequently the buck doesn’t stop anywhere because police commissioners and the courts automatically accept the police version of every aggressive act against the public. And we wonder what’s wrong?

It isn’t the training they receive but the real orders they get on how to conduct themselves in poor communities.