Plummer’s New Lawsuit Against Quinn

The NY State Supreme Court lawsuit to be filed will address that specific point and challenge once more the unprecedented grasp for power by Speaker Quinn

[New York News]

Viola Plummer, City Councilman Charles Barron’s former Chief of Staff, will hold a press conference July 30, to announce the filing of a New York State Supreme Court lawsuit against City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

The news conference is 12 noon in front of State Supreme Court, 60 Centre Street, in Manhattan.

Two years ago, after successfully orchestrating a racially divisive vote to stop the Bedford-Stuyvesant Black community from naming four blocks after Sonny Carson, Speaker Quinn illegally fired Mrs. Plummer.

Plummer’s federal lawsuit challenging the firing was recently dismissed by the U.S. Court of Appeals on “immunity from prosecution” grounds.

The federal court did not address Mrs. Plummer’s contention that the Speaker had no authority to fire her.
The NY State Supreme Court lawsuit to be filed will address that specific point and challenge once more the unprecedented grasp for power by the Speaker which was later reflected in the extension of term limits, Plummer’s supporters say.