Peace is the Call for Change in Our World

[Maluwa Williams-Myers]
Williams-Myers: “Peace is a call for change. It is a call for actions to create change, not just for ourselves but for the next generation.”
Photo: Facebook

Musical artist and teacher Maluwa Williams-Myers.

The following article is based on an audio presentation entitled “One Race–Human Race written by musical artist and teacher Maluwa Williams-Myers. A link to the audio can be found below.

Peace is a call for change.

It is a call for actions to create change, not just for ourselves but for the next generation. A call for using our minds, bodies, souls, and our creativity to break all forms of physical, mental, and social oppression.

The untruths must be recycled into truths. What is considered propaganda must be recycled into the collective awareness of the interrelatedness of us all. And, there is the need to create strategies to build a more healing and more caring future for this generation and those to follow.

I speak for the children. And I speak to shatter the apparent, heavy burden of hardcore conformism that elements within our society attempt to saddle each of us with. I speak of a change that is holistically communal and beneficial to all.

For without it we die a slow death, in silence and alone.

We must never forget anyone that is in need or in dire straits. The act of giving is an adhesive to a functioning, healthier humanity. We are dutifully bound by our common humanity to give more than we receive. One cannot look into the eyes of the homeless, the children, or any citizen or immigrant again and again and not think GIVE. For something does have to give; and not always materially but spiritually and emotionally as well.

To give of oneself, in the aid of others, is to shore up the cracks in our humanity. In doing so, we contribute to a stronger and more inclusive humanity, and that long, sought after better world outside of the walls of our mind. We live in a world where some are unaware that we are poisoned by our own internalized hatred, which once projected into the universe causes chaos and calamity in the world.

Acts of kindness can heal the suffering souls of the world. Acts of kindness and forgiveness will slowly release anger and trauma from the poor souls that have lost their way, from those that are so burdened that they cannot fathom that it is not their fault, from those that feel alienated in a world that continues to push materialism as the new drug where one lusts after fashions and self-absorption. It is all a diversionary illusion to what is really important on a spiritual level as opposed to what is important on a human level.

You may be living in the projects and I in the burbs. But the truth is we are all lab rats running in this stupid maze trying to find that elusive thing at its center.

That thing may take a different form for each of us, but you know its allure. It promises to make you bigger and better than the others. That thing will make you forget about the other rats running next to you. It is they who teach one rat how to eat the other rat; to kill the other rat. But you don’t even know what that thing is.

Meanwhile, a bunch of fat cats in the system are standing right over you, laughing while you scurry and hurry around, making more money for them, while digging your own grave. Our vision for success has been clouded by trickery: you trick me, I trick you. How are we supposed to fight the system coming from such an individualized way of thinking? It should be natural for us to come together; natural for us to build; natural for us to create change; and natural for us to make a better way for the children.

What needs to be heard and what needs to be said is that which will pave the way and save the souls of every child coming after us. To take and take without an equal balance of giving feeds into the devil’s bag of teeter totter tricks: going back and forth on issues of justice and blood stained promises as to whether or not every human being has a place.

Well, every human does have a place.

Whether in the projects, the streets, or the outskirts, the isolation of the poor from a world that is always pushing and shoving status down their throats, energizes me to act in face of what can only be characterized as the deafness of the government when it comes to the needs of its people. We need a responsible government that caters to the needs of its people, guiding those among them away from a mindset locked in a mode of self-destruction, as well as the destruction of fellow earthlings, to a more viable mode of self-worth, and what they and fellow earthlings can do to make society more responsibly inclusive and nurturing. The key here is human societal viability not human disposability under the cloak of societal inclusion.

Charlottesville was just one of the many such racially, motivated incidents on a traumatic historical continuum, for which we are called upon to form a more inclusively diverse, highly moral movement. One out of which will emerge a collectively forceful Voice, more democratically rooted in a fully inclusive vision of equality and social equity, and armored with: “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are born equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. Among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

America must become more democratically and inclusively rooted, given that at this time it remains inappropriately locked in a historical coma of systematic and institutional racism, white supremacy, and patriarchy…Our awakening and empowerment is inevitable, since it is the truth that will shatter the chains of that inhumane and ungodly sleep, setting the country free.

Let us fight the beast that claws at our backs and forces us to wear mask upon mask, while we procreate within a broken lie. The truth is in each one of us. There are seeds of truth waiting to be cultivated; all we have to do is acknowledge what is going down and wake up, reach in and love that seed, do not disrupt its germination for that seed is not only a part of you but a part of us all.

We must recognize change and progress as essential to the flowering of that seed, the flowering of love for our humanity; and as it blooms it will whisper peace to you, peace to me, peace to our mother EARTH. We need, therefore, to embrace each other for the germination to take place regardless of how separatist elements in society will labels us as. We are One! One World. One Race. One Human Race…

To hear a spoken word version of this presentation log on to:

Musical artist and teacher Maluwa Williams-Myerswas born in Malawi , Africa , and her social and political awareness was nurtured through her parent’s global travels. This provided the backdrop that has shaped her thoughts, opinions, and, most importantly, her concept of music and its impact on the world.