Opposition Welcomes Sejusa; In Kind He Must Speak Truth To Power

By Eric Kashambuzi

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David Sejusa. Writer asks him to share more information


United Democratic Ugandans (UDU) believes in regime-change in Uganda by peaceful means in the first instance and has been urging supporters of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government of Gen. Yoweri Museveni in all walks of life to desert in droves and join the opposition.

In this spirit retired General David Sejusa (Tinyefuza) is welcome.

However, to be sure that crossing to the opposition is genuine, we have demanded that those who shift support from the NRM government to the opposition should state clearly why they chose to do so and detail what they did while they served under the NRM government and give audience to Ugandans to ask questions and seek clarification on various issues on peace, security and stability; corruption, sectarianism and cronyism; war crimes and crimes against humanity, including genocide in time of war and in time of peace as well as Uganda’s involvement in costly regional conflicts and wars.

Gen. Sejusa who served under Museveni for over 30 years and held senior positions in the military and security services as a close adviser to Museveni, commanding troops in various parts of Uganda and coordinating security activities in the country as well as serving as a Member of Parliament has definitely influenced legislative and executive decision making. He should be individually and collectively held accountable for commissions and omissions during his term in office.

Ugandans also want Sejusa to tell us what he knows about the alleged killing of Muslims in the western part of Uganda during the 1979 war of Liberation when Uganda was invaded from Tanzania; the killing of up to 700,000 residents of Luwero Triangle and the role the NRA played; how Baganda senior officers in NRA lost their lives during and after the bush war including Andrew Lutaakome Kayiira; how land in Luwero was allocated after the guerrilla war and how the selection of land owners was done and by whom.

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As commanding officer in the northern and eastern regions, Sejusa should tell us how the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) with limited capacity could have carried out such human atrocities for over 20 years. Ugandans also wish to know the circumstances surrounding the herding of Teso youth in train wagons where they perished by deliberate asphyxiation.

As parliamentarian and senior adviser on security matters what role did he play in drafting the draconian Anti-terrorism Act and its implementation, resulting in serious violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of Ugandans?

What are Sejusa’s views on the proposed Truth and Reconciliation Commission and when and how should it be implemented?

Not least, what role does he see for himself in post-Museveni regime after he has been cleared of allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity?  These are legitimate questions in the interest of debate and open disclosure. The truth shall set us all free as Ugandans.


Eric Kashambuzi is Secretary General of United Democratic Ugandans (UDU)


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