Only Two Days Remain For Revolution Books’ IndieGogo Campaign For Harlem Store

Bob Avakian and Cornel West in Dialogue on “Revolution and Religion: The Role of Religion in the Emancipation of Humanity,” co-produced by Revolution Books at Riverside Church before a crowd of over 1900 people, November 15, 2014.

[Community Announcement]

The Stop Mass Incarceration Network, Carl Dix, Cornel West, and others, have called for a national march in New York City on October 24. STOP POLICE TERROR.

Which Side Are You On? A massive, defiant, demonstration involving tens of thousands is what is needed.

On Thursday, August 27 Carl and Cornel along with others will speak at First Corinthian Baptist Church at 6:30 as part of mobilizing tens of thousands for October 24. We are at a time when we will either take the resistance to police terror to higher, broader levels, or things will go backward, demoralizing and demobilizing millions.

Please spread the word about Thursday’s program, and do attend. What each of us and all of us do in this moment counts for a great deal. Click here for an example of the spirit we need to increase exponentially.

Additionally, Revolution Books is scheduled to re-open in Harlem during the week of September 22. It left its Chelsea location at the end of May. We are in the last days of an Indiegogo campaign to raise $30,000. We need to raise an additional $7,000 by midnight Friday.

Please go to the website to learn more and, do consider a generous donation.

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