Omarosa’s Donald Trump Tapes: From White House to Swamp House

By Colin Benjamin

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Omarosa continues exposing the Swamp man and bigot-in-chief. Photo Gage Skidmore–Flickr.

Former senior White House adviser Omarosa Manigault-Newman’s book title “Unhinged” perfectly characterizes the contemptible conduct of the current racist resident of the White House; his schizophrenic tyrannical tendencies represent “a clear and present danger.”

Manigault-Newman is proving to be a major headache for Donald Trump. Her recordings are further unmasking his White House as what we already know it to be: a swampy cesspool of racists, thieves and liars.

Over the past weeks, Manigault-Newman released three damning tapes that further exposes Donald Trump, and his corrupt cabal. The tapes are more proof this White House cannot be trusted with the truth.

Indeed, on Sunday’s “Meet The Press,” former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani articulated the shady stance of Trump’s White House saying, “there is no truth,” a statement eerily similar to Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts” comment. In other words, the “truth” and “facts” are to be decided, as is needed, by emperor Trump.

Giuliani’s conduct over the years have always proven that Black folk held him in high contempt for good reasons; the rest of America is catching up.

The rift between Manigault-Newman and Trump has gotten nasty over the last week. Omarosa’s credibility has been, rightly, questioned. It is obvious she knew Donald Trump was a racist, sexist, conman when she was telling Black America what an awesome president he would be. She vehemently defended Trump—before being fired by White House Chief-of-Staff John Kelly and threatened with court martial.

Yet, who in this disreputable White House has more credibility than her?

Let’s be clear here: Omarosa isn’t doing this because she wants to be a patriotic truth-teller. She is doing this to punish Donald Trump for her firing. Like other Trump sycophants, she is an opportunist—who is mad because she was stabbed in the back, by a bigoted backstabber.

The first tape Omarosa released was one where dishonorable Gen. Kelly is heard telling Omarosa she is being fired over “significant integrity issues.” This from the general who refused to apologize for his despicable lie against Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, after he falsely claimed she tried to take the credit for the funding of an FBI building in Florida.

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In his — and Trump’s mind– there are different definitions of “integrity” for White folk and for Black people.

Part of Gen. Kelly’s “significant integrity issues” reasoning for firing Omarosa was supposedly the “use of government vehicles” and “some money issues and other things.” Even assuming this is all true, did Omarosa do anything abnormal that isn’t being done daily in this unscrupulous White House on a daily basis?

This White House is filled with unethical folk, including the not-so-good general. Kelly may be an even worse hypocrite than anyone else in the Trump White House—since he pretends to be a principled person of unparalleled integrity; a soldier. Would anyone want this fraud as his commander? You can’t argue that he can act dishonorably in the White House yet be a good ethical soldier on the field.

Why didn’t Gen. Kelly see “significant integrity issues” with the stories, he no doubt heard, about then White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter’s alleged abuse of his two former wives? Porter resigned only after stories about his abuse became public. According to the Washington Post, Kelly ordered senior staff to lie to reporters and tell them he immediately fired Porter, which he apparently didn’t do, after hearing the domestic abuse allegations.

Let’s keep this in mind too, this is also the same White House which fought to keep Gen. Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser—even after he was found to have lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials. Less reported, and in many ways much more chilling, is Gen. Flynn’s apparent plan to kidnap Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen, from American soil, and secretly send him to Turkey, where he has been accused of complicity in the failed July 15, 2016 coup attempt, which he denies.

Didn’t this White House also see “significant integrity issues” being caused by former EPA chief Scott Pruitt who faced 14 separate federal investigations before he was forced out?

Mr. Pruitt regularly chartered private jets—including a nearly $18,000 trip to Morocco and Paris—spent $43,000 for a private soundproof phone booth; gave fat salary increases, totaling nearly $100,000, to two of his most trusted advisors; spent thousands on fountain-pens; and tried to get his wife a Chick-fil-A franchise. These are a few of the fraudulent actions of Mr. Pruitt. Yet, the Trump White House did everything to try to keep Pruitt on board, like they did with Gen. Flynn.

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Trump’s former United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, resigned after reporting from Politico revealed he spent over $1 million flying private charter jets and military aircraft. While Price was spending this kind of tax-payer money, he was also busy cutting funding from this government agency.

Why doesn’t any of this seem to concern the Republicans who talk about “fiscal conservatism?”

Given the general greed of this White House, we must wonder why Gen. Kelly decided to make an example of Manigault-Newman? Was Kelly trying to regain some of the integrity he lost after his undignified failures? Was it easier to fire Omarosa because she is Black?

In Omarosa’s second tape we see Trump pretending he had no knowledge of the firing. Omarosa wasn’t buying his bull and is now doing everything to expose all she knows about Trump’s corrupt clique.

In the latest tape release, we hear Lara Trump, wife of Trump’s son, Eric, discussing with Omarosa, after she was fired, how she could still receive hush-money payments, in lieu of her lost salary, for her silence on Donald Trump’s secrets. Lara Trump tells Omarosa she would be paid through money obtained by small-donors who contributed to Trump’s campaign. She also made it clear enough if Manigault-Newman agreed to the deal, she would be expected to conceal whatever secrets she knew about Donald Trump.

At one point, Lara Trump said to Omarosa, “It sounds a little like, obviously, that there are some things you’ve got in the back pocket to pull out… Clearly, if you come on board the campaign, like, we can’t have, we got to … Everything, everybody positive, right?”

Lara Trump was no doubt relaying, from Donald Trump, to Omarosa that she could still receive a salary, to do basically whatever she wanted to do: once she kept her mouth shut regarding anything that wasn’t perceived as “positive” to Trump; and since this hush-money would be paid from the funds of small-donors, who cares?

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This should remind us of the hush-money payments to Playmates and porn-stars Trump allegedly made.

Donald Trump is now desperately doing everything to stop Manigault-Newman from exposing everything she knows about how Trump, and his swamp-rats, run this immoral White House. Besides his racist rants about Omarosa being a “crazed,” “lowlife,” “dog,” Trump has filed a law suit against her, because of a non-disclosure agreement. Allegedly, he also said he wanted Attorney General Jeff Sessions to find a way to arrest her.

Trump’s attempts to shut-up Manigault-Newman is backfiring. Omarosa is winning the battle and continues to deliver the goods in exposing him. Trump is becoming more unhinged.

What more will the Omarosa tapes unmask regarding Trump?

Reportedly, Trump was so worried about Omarosa’s recordings, and her accusations, that he decided to revoke former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance—to alter the news cycle related to her charges. Trump has surely been angry with Mr. Brennan for his past criticisms. By revoking Brennan’s security clearance now, Trump was trying desperately to change the wall-to-wall coverage Omarosa is receiving.

Purportedly, Trump recently disrupted a midterm-election meeting to complain about Manigault-Newman. Trump was apparently more worried about the impact of Omarosa’s charges than on the mid-terms.

This behavior lends credibility to Omarosa’s allegations about his mental decline.

Yes, Omarosa’s credibility should be questioned. She’s a smart woman who had to have known Trump was a racist, sexist conman before she was fired. However, the tapes are corroborating her claims about the greedy gang of criminals who occupy the White House. Donald Trump maybe regretting ever having double-crossed this Black woman, who now has him making unhinged decisions, like revoking security clearances, to shift the news cycle.

These moves won’t work.

In a recent interview, amid Trump’s continued attempts to muzzle her, Omarosa’s parting words were: “Donald Trump has met his match.”

It would be ironic if the main person to topple this tyrant called Trump was a Black woman– a “dog” in Trump’s racist mind.

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