Nikki Haley’s Presidential Bid: “More Ambition Than Principles”

By The Lincoln Project

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Nikki Haley’s Presidential campaign launch comes from a candidate with more ambition than principles

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February 14, 2022 – Nikki Haley’s Presidential campaign launch comes from a candidate with more ambition than principles. Her once promising career checked the right boxes and seemed to show her willingness to stand on principle. But then Donald Trump came along and exposed the GOP as ideologues willing to break our democratic institutions.

Like all the other power hungry and ambitious politicians who make up the modern GOP, she fell in line.

As Stuart Stevens, Senior Advisor to the Lincoln Project, wrote in the New York Times yesterday:

‘No political figure better illustrates the tragic collapse of the modern Republican Party than Nikki Haley. There was a time not very long ago when she was everything the party thought it needed to win…’

‘Mr. Trump has a pattern of breaking opponents who challenge him in a primary. Ms. Haley enters the race already broken.

Had she remained the Nikki Haley who warned her party about Mr. Trump in 2016, she would have been perfectly positioned to run in 2024 as its savior. But as Ms. Haley knows all too well, Republicans aren’t looking to be saved.’

Read the entire op-ed: Nikki Haley Threw It All Away:

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