NGO “Sovereign Venezuela” Demands Trump Administration Stop Imperialist Meddling And “Unblock Venezuela”

By Special To The Black Star News

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[Latin American News]
Embattled Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro fights U.S. imperialism…
Photo: Twitter screenshot

Trump Administration continues to meddle in internal affairs of Venezuela…

Sovereign Venezuela is a non-governmental association of progressive organizations and individuals who advocate in defense of Venezuelan sovereignty. This is done by means of research and analysis as well as building links between the North American and Venezuelan grassroots social movements.

Below is a brief analysis of recent events and the positions that form the bases of our solidarity. Please consider endorsing this important effort as an organization or individual and contributing to our work. Since the election of Hugo Chavez as President in 1998, under the banner of the Bolivarian Alternative, which gave him a mandate to advance social investment and regional integration, Washington and its right-wing Venezuelan allies have sought to bring about regime change by any means necessary.

Since the death of Chavez in March 2013, the US backed opposition MUD has used a variety of tactics, including extra constitutional ones, in an attempt to bring down the government and restore neoliberal rule.

The attempts by Venezuelan hard liners to bring about regime change by violence; the failed effort to invoke the democratic charter against Venezuela in the OAS; US-NATO imposition of sanctions with the collaboration of the anti-Bolivarian Lima Group; as well as the economic war aimed at exacerbating the economic crisis; have all been part of a strategy designed to provoke a “humanitarian crisis” and thereby justify a US backed military intervention.

These tactics to isolate Venezuela diplomatically and strangle it economically, has as its principal objective “regime change” as the condition for the restoration of US hegemony, US-NATO control of the nation’s vast natural resources, and imposition of the neoliberal model throughout the region. These objectives are in direct contradiction with the sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean and challenge the now irreversible reality of a multi-polar world.


The Maduro administration responded to the anti-government street violence during the first quarter of 2017 by calling for the election of a Constituent Assembly in July of that year, which garnered broad support from the Venezuelan electorate with the participation of more than 8 million voters. Most recently, on October 15, 2017, Venezuelans turned out in mass for gubernatorial elections, in which 18 out of 23 states were won by the main political party aligned with the government.

On May 20, 2018, under threat of further sanctions and US military intervention and despite a boycott by the extreme right based in Miami and Madrid, millions of Venezuelans (48% of the electorate) participated in the presidential election in which President Maduro garnered 68 percent of the vote. Even in the midst of crippling economic destabilization tactics, and despite legitimate criticisms of the government, a significant part of the electorate, mostly from those sectors most impacted by the shortages and inflation, has sent a strong message to those who would deliver their country to Washington, that they will continue to defend their sovereignty and struggle to overcome the economic crisis.

With the election of Lopez Obrador in Mexico and the growing resistance to the neoliberal agendas in Brazil and Argentina, we are encouraged that the interventionist commitments of the Lima Group can now be curtailed in favor of diplomacy, dialogue, and mutual respect among nations. We favor a North South intercultural dialogue that promotes the development of human life in community, respect for the rights of migrants, and the free development of alternative socio-economic models throughout the hemisphere.

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Sovereign Venezuela has five bases of solidarity work.

(1) Demand full respect for international law and respect for Venezuela’s right to self-determination and sovereignty.

(2) Reject any form of interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

(3) Condemn illegal, violent and unconstitutional attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro.

(4) Support dialogue between the government and the opposition, initiated by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and continuing now in the aftermath of the May 20 elections.

(5) Demand that Washington lift sanctions and restore full diplomatic relations with the US based on mutual respect.

If you want to support this initiative please send an email to [email protected]

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