Photos: Facebook
The lodge is located between Rector Street and Fulton Street near McCarter Highway. The demonstration will begin at the FOP lodge and then protestors will march to the Federal Building at 970 Broad Street in Newark.
“The purpose of the demonstration is to highlight the issue of police brutality, bring attention to police brutality cases, and demand police review boards with subpoena and investigatory powers,” stated
Lawrence Hamm, Chairman, People’s Organization For Progress.
“We are starting our protest at the police lodge because it blocked efforts to established police review boards in court. We support legislation that will make it possible for municipalities to have police review boards with subpoena powers,” Hamm said.
Several years ago the Fraternal Order Of Police initiated a law suit against the City Of Newark to prevent the establishment of a police review board with subpoena powers. The State Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled in favor of the FOP.