New Jersey: Ground-breaking Housing Initiative By “Cash Flow Diva” Will Benefit Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Photos: Janet Tonkins\A.R.T. Jius Enterprises

There is a pressing crisis in the United States where more grandparents are becoming primary caregivers for their grandchildren. Yet, most senior housing projects restrict visitor stays to just two weeks, posing challenges for these families.

To address this, Janet Tonkins, celebrated in real estate investment circles as Baltimore’s “Cash Flow Diva,” is making headlines with a historic unparalleled $36 million–plus housing project.

With pricy luxury housing for the wealthy on the rise, Tonkins, the matriarch of the A.R.T. Jius Enterprises, charts a different course. This building initiative, launching on Wednesday, October 11 at 10 AM at Mill Street Square, Paterson, New Jersey, not only addresses housing needs but also provides a foundation for a brighter future for both grandparents and their grandchildren.


Tonkins pays homage to her roots by launching this visionary project based in her hometown of Paterson, New Jersey. In 2020, this project made history the first time, when the city council voted unanimously to give the Mill Project a pilot. Fast forward to October 2023, the building is constructed and ready to launch making history again.

Faith plays a pivotal role in Janet’s life, and from that base, she embodies the idea to rescue the children, redeem the family, and recreate the community. “While many are chasing luxury, we’re championing legacy,” Tonkins says. “Every child deserves a solid foundation, and every grandparent the means to provide it. This isn’t just housing; it’s a stepping stone to a brighter future.”

Tonkins’ big heart and philanthropy are widely known. She is credited for her passion to recreate Black communities through her coaching programs targeted to the everyday man and woman to become real estate investors. Most people don’t know that she and her husband are the co-founders of a family business A.R.T Jius Enterprises, where she brought her younger brother and others into the family real estate business. The family is vocal about how families can build together figuratively and literally.

“I was not born a Real Estate mogul. I was born to poor parents in the Deep South,” she recounts. “They had no home, no savings, and no real understanding of how to change their circumstances. They weren’t bad people; they just didn’t think there were opportunities available to them. I did not become a millionaire to flaunt money. I became a millionaire to help people like my parents, and my grandparents have a better life.”

As the anticipation builds towards the October 11 launch date, the mayor of Paterson, New Jersey, Andre Sayegh, community leaders, potential residents, and media channels keenly await what promises to be a landmark moment in the housing landscape of the state of New Jersey. Tonkins’ endeavor and the real estate investment team of A.R.T Jius note that the project is not just an investment in real estate; it’s a resounding commitment to futures filled with potential, promise, and prosperity.

For more details about the housing initiative or to request interviews regarding Janet Tonkins and her transformative ventures, please contact Natalie at (301) 244-9072 or visit

For more information contact [email protected]

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