Nancy Pelosi Endorses Rep. Jamaal Bowman For Re-Election In NY-16

By Special To The Black Star News

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Photos: YouTube\Jamaal Bowman\Wikimedia Commons

YONKERS, NY – Today, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that she is endorsing Congressman Jamaal Bowman for re-election in NY-16. In a video, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls Rep. Bowman a “relentless advocate for children and working families” and notes that his background as an educator has been an asset in Congress.

The endorsement is the latest sign that Bowman has consolidated Democratic support for his re-election in the redrawn 16th district. It is also a testament to his ability to not only make inroads with leadership, but build productive relationships across the Democratic Party and work together with his more moderate colleagues in order to deliver results for his constituents.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

“Congressman Jamaal Bowman is a relentless advocate for children and working families in New York’s 16th District. His experience going from advocate, crisis intervention teacher, to celebrated public school principal enabled him to be effective from the start in Congress. He serves as Vice-Chair of the Education and Workforce Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee on Energy and Science of the Science Space and Technology Committee – an unusual impact for a freshman. Dr. Bowman is respected in Congress for his credentials and determination to make a difference in people’s lives. An educator, husband, and father of three, he believes in the unlimited potential of all children and works for a brighter, more equitable future for our country. Congressman Bowman and I are united in our values for America’s working families. I am proud to endorse Congressman Jamaal Bowman’s re-election to Congress,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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In mid-March, Speaker Pelosi shared a stage with Congressman Jamaal Bowman for a local town hall where they discussed critical issues in the district including the Russian invasion of Ukraine, gun violence prevention, reforming voting rights, investing in our education system, and campaign finance. The town hall came on the anniversary of President Joe Biden’s signing of the American Rescue Plan and signaled the inroads that Rep. Bowman has been able to make with leadership despite being just a freshman in Congress.

Having the House Speaker visit the district also helped Rep. Bowman showcase his ability to work together with some of his more moderate colleagues in order to get things accomplished for his district – an important trait that will undoubtedly help him connect with some of the new voters who now make up the 16th congressional district.

“I am both humbled and honored to receive the endorsement of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,” said Jamaal Bowman. “Speaker Pelosi has always given me the platform and time to voice out the concerns and issues that are important to my district. When Speaker Pelosi came to visit North Riverdale, we discussed the importance of addressing the gun violence epidemic that is plaguing our streets. We talked about the importance of defending and protecting our voting rights, especially in our Black and brown communities. And we of course talked about our kids and the importance of reforming our education system into one that educates the whole child. All families and kids deserve the opportunity to thrive and by working together, I know we will continue to push for policies that can help us secure these opportunities.”

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Earlier this year, Congressman Jamaal Bowman was also endorsed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer – once again signaling Rep. Bowman’s ability to build productive relationships across the Democratic Party and work with his colleagues to deliver results for his district. Both of these endorsements add to Rep. Bowman’s support from organized labor, including 1199SEIU, the Communications Workers of America, and the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators (CSA).

They also join the ever-growing list of progressive organizations and officials including the Working Families Party, The Jewish Vote, Community Voices Heard Power, Make the Road, NARAL, and the Brady PAC. As well as NY Senator Gillibrand, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Congressman Mondaire Jones, and Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney.

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