My Black Ancestors Fought For Our Land–Now I Must Fight Again

By Edwin Freeman

Photos: Edwin Freeman

My name is Edwin Freeman. I am an actor who portrays strong Black characters that inspire people. But now I face my own battle to defend my family’s land in Pennsylvania. 

In early 2023, Bethlehem Township Municipal Authority tried to seize my property for $0, claiming it was worthless. This echoes the theft of land from my Native and African ancestors. They were forced from their homelands by those in power. And now politicians are trying to steal my small piece of the American dream.

I rejected Bethlehem Township Municipal Authority’s insulting $0 offer. In retaliation, they offered $1,472 – far below the land’s value. I stood firm, so they sued me. But I will not surrender what my forefathers worked so hard to gain. 

Bethlehem Township Municipal Authority disregards my legal rights. Politicians, heed this new trail of tears. Will you defend me against arbitrary land seizure? Or will you sacrifice my liberties to serve private interests? Your choice defines your commitment to equality. 

Leaders must revise eminent domain laws now, before my family’s land is stolen again. Call Governor Josh Shapiro at (717) 787-2500 and say: “Protect citizens like Edwin Freeman from unjust land seizures. Property rights must be equal for all.” 

With your voices, we can prevent this injustice. Stand with me, as I stand for the rights of generations past and future. Our trail of tears must not be repeated.

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