Music: Interview with Eddy Wizzy

Eddy Wizzy speaks with Doris Allimadi

Doris: When did you first start singing?
E W: I started singing circa 2003

Doris: How and why did you choose the name Wizzy? Does it mean anything?
E. W: My stage name is Eddy Wizzy. Eddy comes from my name Edward and Wizzy is a nickname I have had since school, so I put them together. I thought it would work quite well.

Doris: Do you write your own material?
E W: Yes, I do write my own material.

Doris: Most of your songs are in Acholi? Do you sing in any other languages?
E. W: I believe in taking things step by step. I am Acholi so I wanted to first reach my people and now that I have their love, I can include my other brothers and sisters. I eventually want to reach the world at large. Music has no boundaries.

Doris: In order to appeal to a wider audience, do you think you will record a song in just English?
E W: I am currently working on music that is in English in order to reach a wider audience. I should be releasing some before the end of the year.

Doris: I personally like your songs, I enjoy the beats and rhythm and being Acholi, I understand what you are singing about.
What obstacles do you face in your career? For example, releasing songs countrywide and worldwide?

E W: Most of the obstacles are in relation to promotion and finding a radio station that will play your music outside of your hometown. It would be fantastic to be able to share my music with the whole of Uganda and beyond.

Doris: What support do you think the Ugandan community can offer you?
E W: Love and support of my music and for the community to share it widely.

Doris: What are your ultimate goals?
E. W: To be a success in the music industry and to be able to inspire those younger than me who are interested in music to pursue their passion. Dreams do come true.

Doris: Who or what inspired you to start singing?
I have always enjoyed music from a young age. I felt that there was music in me and that I would eventually share it with the world.

Doris: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where were you born?
E. W: I was born in Kitgum Government Hospital in the North of Uganda.

Doris: When is your birthday?
E W: 23rd May.

Doris: What is your favourite song?
E W: My favourite song is Bring it on by P.Square.

Doris: Who is your favourite artist and why?
Diamond Platinumz. I enjoy his style of music. He sings in Swahili which is a beautiful language. I incorporate a little Swahili in my music as well.

Doris: Which song of your own do you like the best and why?
E. W: To be honest, I love all my songs.

Doris: My personal favourites are ‘Anyira Acholi’ and ‘Aol’ I enjoyed very much the lyrics for Aol, because it is both true and very funny because there are actually both men and women with the personality that you sing about in Aol.
Finally, how are you feeling, preparing about your impending concert in London?

E W: I am feeling great, especially now that my visa and work permit is confirmed. I am now on countdown. I can’t wait to see all my fans.

Doris: Have you had good feedback about it?
E. W: The feedback is so positive that it is heart-warming. I am so grateful and humbled and cannot wait to perform there.

Doris: Thank you for talking to me.
E W: It was a pleasure. One love.

Note: Eddy Wizzy will be performing in London on 28th May 4 – 10pm
Durning Hall, Earlham Grove, Forest Gate E7 9AB
This will be a family show to include fashion modelling, child performers, traditional dancing. Please invite your family and friends and don’t leave the children behind..

Eddy Wizzy will also be performing on 4th June – details to be confirmed. This will be an evening show 9pm – 3 am and not suitable for children.