Murdered By Cop: Rev. Sharpton To Demand Justice For Sonia Massey Tonight In Chicago

By blackstar

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New York, NY (July 30, 2024) – Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder and President of National Action Network (NAN), will appear at a rally in Chicago tonight to demand justice for Sonya Massey, who was fatally shot by a since-fired sheriff’s deputy after she called police over concerns about a prowler. His appearance comes a day after the civil rights leader joined President Biden aboard Air Force One to speak at the LBJ Presidential Library to commemorate the 60thanniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 

“Yesterday, we celebrated the impact and legacy of the Civil Rights Act. Tonight, we will be in Chicago as a reminder that the work is far from over,” said Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder and President of NAN. “What happened to Sonya Massey was a betrayal of the oath law enforcement take to protect and serve. This woman called police to protect her life, but instead one deputy decided to take it. National Action Network has been and will be on the ground to ensure justice is served for her and her family.” 

Massey, 36, called police on July 6 over concerns of someone breaking into her home Springfield-area home. When two deputies arrived, one of them shot her after dispute over a pot of hot water.

The deputy has since been fired and charged with first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. He has been held without bail. Reporting since found the fired deputy had been reprimanded in a previous law enforcement job over integrity issues as well as inaccuracies in police reports.

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On Monday, Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell admitted to the community that “We failed Sonya and the community.” 

The family of Sonya Massey
Rev. Al Sharpton 
Attorney Ben Crump
The Leadership Network
Dr. Marshal E. Hatch, Senior Pastor, New Mount Pilgrim Church

Tuesday, July 30th
6 p.m. CT 

New Mount Pilgrim Church
4301 W. Washington Blvd. 
Chicago, IL 60624

About National Action Network (NAN)
National Action Network is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency, and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality, or gender.

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