Morgan State University Appoints Dr. Hongtao Yu as New Provost

Photo: Morgan State University

BALTIMORE – Morgan State University (MSU) President David K. Wilson Monday announced the appointment of Hongtao Yu, Ph.D., as the University’s next provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs.

The appointment, effective September 1, 2021, concludes a rigorous nearly two-month search of internal candidates and cements a strategic path forward towards sustained academic advancement and achievement for Maryland’s Preeminent Public Urban Research University.

Dr. Yu most recently served as dean of Morgan’s School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences (SCMNS). Since his arrival in 2016, he has successfully guided SCMNS into becoming one of the fastest growing schools at Morgan, surpassing several key university metrics and milestones.

An accomplished academic and research chemist with more than 30 years of postsecondary education experience, Dr. Yu has amassed a distinguished career with a portfolio that includes facilitating innovative strategic and academic program growth, shared governance, research development and interdisciplinary research, as well as program and research-focused grant funding. A decorated and highly accomplished scholar and higher education administrator, Dr. Yu has cultivated a stellar record of advancing diversity within higher education and is a staunch advocate for diversity, and student and faculty success.

“Without equivocation, Dr. Hongtao Yu has the ideal experience, leadership, gravitas and academic achievement needed to fulfill the role of provost. His vision aligns with the goals in our strategic plan and is compatible with our North Star aspiration—which is to be a world-class, top-shelf urban research university strongly rooted in the HBCU tradition of excellence. Morgan is rapidly ascending, and Dr Yu can work with our faculty and deans to expedite our transformation,” said President Wilson.