Minister Farrakhan Wants 10,000 Volunters To Be Trained By NOI To Restore Peace In Black Communities: 20th Million Man March Anniversary

NOI Minister Louis Farrakhan

We have killed over 250,000 of of our own people since 1978

As the summer months have passed on and the winds of fall are upon us, we are 16 days away from the 20th Anniversary of the Historic Million Man March.

The theme of this years anniversary is “JUSTICE…..OR ELSE!” Twenty years ago on October 16th 1995 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. with the state Capitol as the back drop the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered one of his greatest messages on Atonement, Reconciliation, and Responsibility to Black men in particular and all men in general.

Nearly Two Million men attended the Million Man March in 1995 and on that day there was nothing but peace and more peace. There was no fighting, no use of profanity, no weapons; guns or knives, no smoking, no drinking, just a sea of Black men as far as the eye could see down the mall in every direction. Minister Farrakhan commissioned the song “To God Be The Glory” to be sung at the end of his most inspiring, motivational, and encouraging message.

Indeed it was the Glory of the Almighty God on that day that was displayed before the entire world that captured the attention of world leaders on every continent.

The accomplishments were many; the adoption of 25,000 Black children in the foster care system, voter registration roles increased by over 1.5 million, men’s ministries began to grow and increase exponentially because of the Million Man March.

Black entrepreneurship increased in the country, faith and community- based work for the poor increased as a result of the Million man March. We must say boldly that it was not the efforts of mayors or police commissioners around the country that brought crime down; it was the MILLION MAN MARCH that decreased crime statistics all over the country.

As we asked Black women to support our gathering for men, more women spoke on the platform of the Million Man March than all marches prior to and after in history. Women were also present on the mall; you know some of them just had to be there to witness the making of history, and there was nothing but respect and honor for the women no matter where they were on the mall.

Five years later In 2000 Minister Farrakhan led us to the Million Family March, and five years after that great gathering of nearly 1.4 million on the mall, in 2005 Minister Farrakhan led us into the Millions More Movement March where nearly 1.2 million attended to systematically and structurally organize us as a people toward our own independence and to become better prepared for any natural disasters.

Minister Farrakhan introduced the Nine Ministries at that time; Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Arts and Culture, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Trade and Commerce, Ministry of Health and Human Services, and lastly a Ministry of Justice. The tenth Ministry is your spiritual center or house of worship.

Twenty years later after another generation has emerged we are now fighting a war on two fronts; fratricidal homicide that we commit as a people on one another and rampant police brutality and mob attacks. Neither of these realities can remain and neither of them can co-exist. The platform of the “Justice…. or Else” movement is based up the principle of Justice which is fair dealing, the law that distinguishes right from wrong, and the weapon that God uses in the day of Judgment. Under this banner of “Justice…. or Else” we want Justice — Equal justice under the law. We want Justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed, class, or color”.

Some have been concerned with the or Else statement, most don’t mind us seeking Justice, but some say “why this ‘or Else?'”

Whenever Allah (God) sends a prophet into the world within in the revelation that he carries to the rulers of that day and also the people, there comes with it a warning and a threat. So Minister Farrakhan says “If we are denied what rightfully belongs to us then there has to be unified action that we take that will force the Justice that we seek”.

We stand in solidarity with the Honorable Minster Louis Farrakhan with this statement because we have received no true, real, and purposeful justice for the killing of unarmed, innocent, Black men, women, and children in America. Money can’t stand in the place of Justice, apologies that come with no repentance, can’t stand in the place of Justice, forums on Justice that don’t uproot the rogue elements within law enforcement agencies can’t stand in the place of Justice, and leaders who are apologists for the powers that be can’t stand in the place of Justice or even represent the aspirations of a people yearning for real justice.

Minister Farrakhan teaches that “Peace is the Fruit of Justice”, therefore where there is no justice there can be no lasting peace. As the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in the last two years of his life, “We must redistribute the Pain” and “We must withdraw our economic support”. He also said we don’t need Molotov cocktails, we don’t need to talk bad, we just need the power of our unity. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that “Our Unity is a weapon more powerful than a nuclear of hydrogen bomb”. Minister teaches us that “Our Unity will propel us to Victory”.

As a people we can’t be hypocrites and demand that the federal government intercede in matters of Justice where law enforcement officials kill us unprovoked in the streets of America, then lie on us and coverup the truth while they know and don’t deal with the rampant killing we do one to another.

We have killed over 250,000 of of our own people since 1978. Think about this and reflect upon that; while this generation of our youth are not the wisest, they are the most fearless generation we have produced.

Having this understanding we must develop Conflict Resolution Centers in our communities to begin to clean them up and make where we live a safer community. Minister Farrakhan has called for 10,000 Fearless Black men to stand up with him and be trained by the Nation of Islam under the guidance of the men of the Fruit of Islam under his spiritual direction. We are most successful in the past and present in going in among our people and settling the beefs.

10,000 Black men are needed will you be in that number as the saints go marching into our communities to Stop the Killing!

Get on the Bus call 347-903-5132, and go to to Donate and support and download our new app onto your android or IPhone just type in your App Store Justice or Else.

Abdul Hafeez Muhammad serves as the New York Representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Student Minister of Muhammad Mosque No.7 New York City.