“Milwaukee In Pain” Film Exposes System Racism in Milwaukee

[“Milwaukee in Pain”]
Filmmaker Theo Rogers, a Milwaukee native, exposes and explains these issues in his new documentary “Milwaukee In Pain: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic In The Black Community.”
Photo: YouTube

“Milwaukee in Pain” filmmaker Theo Rogers exposes racism in his hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

While the country was focused on Milwaukee for the Democratic National Convention, lamenting its primary voting or is cheering for the Milwaukee Bucks in the NBA playoffs, there is a side of Milwaukee not often discussed.

It is a city in pain, suffering from the effects of systemic racism and economic disparity of Black and Brown people that make up the city and are now being dealt another blow with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Filmmaker Theo Rogers, a Milwaukee native, exposes and explains these issues in his new documentary “Milwaukee In Pain: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic In The Black Community.”

There are approximately 300,000 Black people in Wisconsin and an estimated 80% of them reside in Milwaukee, and the disparities are alarming. Rated the worst place for Black people to live by USA Today in 2019, here some of the stats:

• Black population: 257,895 (16.4%)

• Black median income: $28,928 (43.8% of white income)

• Unemployment: 13.9% (Black); 3.9% (white)

Through interviews with local community leaders, religious leaders, former law enforcement officers who policed the community, and residents, Rogers clearly illustrates the ties between systemic racism, cyclical poverty and the effects of COVID-19 on a community he holds dear to his heart.

You can watch the powerful trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=EauB3JToGJk&feature= youtu.be

“Milwaukee in Pain” will be released on August 25th on Amazon Prime. You can also keep up with the film on FB, Instagram and on the website Milwaukeinpain.com