Entrepreneur and CEO Mike Muse
Mike Muse has no reservations about his goal toward free enterprise of encouraging young Millennials across the country in need. The New York-based founder of Muse Recordings advocated his personal mission in a phone interview last week, revealing his part in President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative.
“I’m giving young men of color a chance to be able to understand that we don’t have to just be consumers of this industry, but we can be the drivers and creators of this industry,” he said in support of the My Brother’s Keeper Millennial program he was recently promoted Champion of back in June.
“This program can provide a lifestyle for (Millenials) where they can have more longevity and be more financially stable. They can have an impact on their community and change their community.”
The program was publicized last year by President Obama to tackle the disadvantages and educational obstacles facing Black and Latino males.
Muse has since advanced the program to embrace summits geared toward careers in film, fashion, technology and music. In addition, he has boosted his noble efforts in joint partnerships with leading school districts, colleges and local community groups, including USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, Compton Unified School Districts, and Overbrook Entertainment.
“We’re hoping to pull back the veil to show young Millenials what goes on behind the scenes of the film industry,” Muse stated. “We’re partnering with a major technology partner and will live stream our summits to connect with students.”
Muse will use the summits to raise awareness around entrepreneurship, by placing emphasis through the lens of lifestyle. The Academy and Overbrook are the first of several distinguished organizations collaborating with Mike Muse to help shift these industries into a more inclusive direction.
“My particular lens is entrepreneurialship,” Muse explained. “So I am encouraging Millenials to start their own companies and to show how it’s done… to expose them to the different profiles of amazing individuals who may look like them. The reason why a lot of us don’t see ourselves as the owners of these industries, but as consumers of these industries, is because we haven’t been exposed to what is possible. We haven’t been exposed to people who are doing it. My focus of true entrepreneurialship is purely to get them to see the business side of these industries, specifically music, sports, technology and film.”