Micah Johnson while in U.S. military
The Editor:
Mr. Wilmer Leon’s historical analysis is indisputable (The Police Against The Black Community).
However, we shouldn’t accuse Micah Johnson of being “demented.”
Our people are constantly being driven over the edge with humiliation and police terror. Some tranquilize themselves in order to cope with an unbearable situation.
Others live in a state of denial and look the other way unless someone close to them is victimized. Others, very few, dare to take the bull by the horns despite the consequences because just like Fannie Lou Hamer, they are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Mr. Leon is right in saying that an individual shooter will not change the big picture. However no government official at any level dares to do their job and hold out of control police accountable because they know that police terror is the way the government prefers to deal with Black demands for full citizenship rights and services.
The 13 colonies of Britain could not take any more abuse from King George and decided to fight back to the death. Were they demented?
Expressions of fury are often justified like when Jesus chased the money changers from the Temple. The people who are demented are those constantly provoke the downtrodden and demand that they play by rules that don’t apply to them.