Me The People: A Comedy About Trump’s America

There is a lot of controversy swirling around this new presidency with people squaring off on political sides in a combustible atmosphere of fear and confusion.  But as they say – “He may be president, but comedy is King!”  The musical produced by Jim Russek, with an open-ended engagement, is being showcased at 7pm at the Triad Theatre. “Me The People: The Trump America Musical,” gives pause for thought and a great deal of humor.  So let’s lighten up and  laugh at ourselves in this present political impeachable climate.

Conceived by Jim Russek, Nancy Holson and Jay Falzone, viewers have a chance to chuckle at this comedic mockumentary of the Orange, White and Blue America under Trump. The writers take the absurdity that is the Trump administration and put a laugh bomb under it.  

What is going on in the Trump White House? New York’s Lady Liberty who welcomed immigrants now finds herself in the position of having to boot them out.  Wandering in the dark with her torch blown out Liberty is unable to tell who is American and who isn’t. Therefore, she deports everyone. The play touches on the wall.  A nonsensical idea that will probably never be built since Trump asked the very people he is trying to keep out to pay for it.  Hillary chimes in with choice words concerning an America without her.  While Sigmund Freud joins the growing chorus of “He’s crazy.”  Then there is a grinning happy-go-lucky Putin, the grifter couple Jared and Ivanka taking advantage of every business opportunity benefitting White House wards, the Trump cabinet filled with CEOs and individuals with an antithesis toward the offices they hold. Let’s not forget the forging of a radical court, the complete ignoring and/or ignorance of the Constitution and a coterie of other bewildered White House characters.

The cast of 4 comprised of Aiesha Alia Dukes, Mitchel Kawash, Richard Spitaletta and Mia Weinberger, change costumes and characters faster than a Trump lie, and like Trump, do it with aplomb.  They are talented and brilliant at shining a light via this political satire on our nation’s most embarrassing presidential moments.

So, if you enjoy getting your funny bone tickled in an intimate atmosphere of like-minds, check out “Me The People: The Trump America Musical,” at the Triad Theater, located at 158 West 72nd St in Manhattan.  For tickets call 212-279-4200.