Lawyer’s Group Condemns Trump Ban on Federal Anti-Racist Training

By Special To The Black Star News

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[Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law]
Kristen Clarke: “Throughout his time in office, President Trump has made racist statements about Blacks, Latinos and immigrants conveying deep racial animus.”
Photo: YouTube

Today, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law issued a statement in response to a September 4, 2020 directive from the Office of Management and Budget banning government-funded trainings on topics such as “critical race theory” and racism.

Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, issued the following statement in response:

“Our nation stands at an inflection point as communities are grappling with the ongoing threat of racism, white supremacy and police violence. President Trump’s latest federal directive is an attempt to discredit, condemn and silence important conversations happening in communities and workplaces about anti-racism and about our nation’s history of white supremacy. By banning government support for these discussions, he sends a dangerous message to the country that racism is a fallacy.

Clarke continued, “Throughout his time in office, President Trump has made racist statements about Blacks, Latinos and immigrants conveying deep racial animus. His nominees to the federal courts have been overwhelmingly white and male. If there is one place where we need comprehensive discussion and training around anti-racism, it’s inside the halls of the White House and across every level of our federal government.”

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