[Black History\Kwame Ture\Stokely Carmichael]
Ture: “It’s time black people got together. We have to say things nobody else in this country is willing to say and find the strength internally and from each other to say the things that need to be said…We have to set the record straight.”
Photo: YouTube

Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael, June 29, 1941 – November 15, 1998) was a brilliant orator, Civil Rights organizer and major figure fighting for Black liberation who emerged in the 1960s.

In celebration of Black History Month, the Black Star News remembers Ture’s “Black Power” speech from July 28, 1966. 

Black Power Speech

This is 1966 and it seems to me that it’s “time out” for nice words. It’s time Black people got together. We have to say things nobody else in this country is willing to say and find the strength internally and from each other to say the things that need to be said. We have to understand the lies this country has spoken about Black people and we have to set the record straight. No one else can do that but Black people.

I remember when I was in school they used to say, “If you work real hard, if you sweat, if you are ambitious, then you will be successful.” I’m here to tell you that if that was true, Black people would own this country, because we sweat more than anybody else in this country. We have to say to this country that you have lied to us. We picked your cotton for $2.00 a day, we washed your dishes, we’re the porters in your bank and in your building, we are the janitors and the elevator men. We worked hard and all we get is a little pay and a hard way to go from you. We have to talk not only about what’s going on here but what this country is doing across the world. When we start getting the internal strength to tell them what should be told and to speak the truth as it should be spoken, let them pick the sides and let the chips fall where they may.

Now, about what Black people have to do and what has been done to us by white people. If you are born in Lowndes County, Alabama, Swillingchit, Mississippi, or Harlem, New York, and the color of your skin happens to be Black you are going to catch it. The only reason we have to get together is the color of our skins. They oppress us because we are Black and we are going to use that blackness to get out of the trick bag they put us in. Don’t be ashamed of your color.

A few years ago, white people used to say, “Well, the reason they live in the ghetto is they are stupid, dumb, lazy, unambitious, apathetic, don’t care, happy, contented,” and the trouble was a whole lot of us believed that junk about ourselves. We were so busy trying to prove to white folks that we were everything they said we weren’t that we got so busy being white we forgot what it was to be Black. We are going to call our Black brother’s hand.

Now, after 1960, when we got moving, they couldn’t say we were lazy and dumb and apathetic and all that anymore so they got sophisticated and started to play the dozens with us. They called conferences about our mamas and told us that’s why we were where we were at. Some people were sitting up there talking with Johnson while he was talking about their mamas. I don’t play the dozens with white folks. To set the record straight, the reason we are in the bag we are in isn’t because of my mama, it’s because of what they did to my mama. That’s why I’m where I’m at. We have to put the blame where it belongs. The blame does not belong on the oppressed but on the oppressor, and that’s where it is going to stay.

Don’t let them scare you when you start opening your mouth—speak the truth. Tell them, “Don’t blame us because we haven’t ever had the chance to do wrong.” They made sure that we have been so blocked-in we couldn’t move until they said, “Move.” Now there are a number of things we have to do. The only thing we own in this country is the color of our skins and we are ashamed of that because they made us ashamed. We have to stop being ashamed of being Black. A broad nose, a thick lip and nappy hair is us and we are going to call that beautiful whether they like it or not. We are not going to fry our hair anymore but they can start wearing their hair natural to look like us.

We have to define how we are going to move, not how they say we can move. We have never been able to do that before. Everybody in this country jumps up and says, “I’m a friend of the civil rights movement. I’m a friend of the Negro.” We haven’t had the chance to say whether or not that man is stabbing us in the back or not. All those people who are calling us friends are nothing but treacherous enemies and we can take care of our enemies but God deliver us from our “friends.” The only protection we are going to have is from each other. We have to build a strong base to let them know if they touch one Black man driving his wife to the hospital in Los Angeles, or one Black man walking down a highway in Mississippi or if they take one Black man who has a rebellion and put him in jail and start talking treason, we are going to disrupt this whole country.

We have to say, “Don’t play jive and start writing poems after Malcolm is shot.” We have to move from the point where the man left off and stop writing poems. We have to start supporting our own movement. If we can spend all that money to send a preacher to a Baptist convention in a Cadillac then we can spend money to support our own movement.

Now, let’s get to what the white press has been calling riots. In the first place don’t get confused with the words they use like “anti-white,” “hate,” “militant” and all that nonsense like “radical” and “riots.” What’s happening is rebellions not riots and the extremist element is not RAM. As a matter of fact RAM is a very reactionary group, reacting against the pressures white people are putting on them. The extremists in this country are the white people who force us to live the way we live. We have to define our own ethic. We don’t have to (and don’t make any apologies about it) obey any law that we didn’t have a part to make, especially if that law was made to keep us where we are. We have the right to break it.

We have to stop apologizing for each other. We must tell our Black brothers and sisters who go to college, “Don’t take any job for IBM or Wall Street because you aren’t doing anything for us. You are helping this country perpetuate its lies about how democracy rises in this country.” They have to come back to the community, where they belong and use their skills to help develop us. We have to tell the doctors, “You can’t go to college and come back and charge us $5.00 and $10.00 a visit. You have to charge us 50 cents and be thankful you get that.” We have to tell our lawyers not to charge us what they charge but to be happy to take a case and plead it free of charge. We have to define success and tell them the food Ralph Bunche eats doesn’t feed our hungry stomachs. We have to tell Ralph Bunche the only reason he is up there is so when we yell they can pull him out. We have to do that, nobody else can do that for us.

We have to talk about wars and soldiers and just what that means. A mercenary is a hired killer and any black man serving in this man’s army is a black mercenary, nothing else. A mercenary fights for a country for a price but does not enjoy the rights of the country for which he is fighting. A mercenary will go to Vietnam to fight for free elections for the Vietnamese but doesn’t have free elections in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. A mercenary goes to Vietnam and gets shot fighting for his country and they won’t even bury him in his own hometown. He’s a mercenary, that’s all. We must find the strength so that when they start grabbing us to fight their war we say, “Hell no.”

We have to talk about nonviolence among us, so that we don’t cut each other on Friday nights and don’t destroy each other but move to a point where we appreciate and love each other. That’s the nonviolence that has to be talked about. The psychology the man has used on us has turned us against each other. He says nothing about the cutting that goes on Friday night but talk about raising one fingertip towards him and that’s when he jumps up. We have to talk about nonviolence among us first.

We have to study Black history but don’t get fooled. You should know who John Hullett is, and Fannie Lou Hamer is, who Lerone Bennett is, who Max Stanford is, who Lawrence Landry is, who May Mallory is and who Robert Williams is. You have to know these people yourselves because you can’t read about them in a book or in the press. You have to know what Mr. X said from his own lips not the Chicago Sun-Times. That responsibility is ours. The Muslims call themselves Muslims but the press calls them Black Muslims. We have to call them Muslims and go to their mosque to find out what they are talking about firsthand and then we can talk about getting together. Don’t let that man get up there and tell you, “Oh, you know those Muslims preach nothing but hate. You shouldn’t be messing with them.” “Yah, I don’t mess with them, yah, I know they bad.” The man’s name is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and he represents a great section of the Black community. Honor him.

We have to go out and find our young Blacks who are cutting and shooting each other and tell them they are doing the cutting and shooting to the wrong people. We have to bring them together and spend the time if we are not just shucking and jiving. This is 1966 and my grandmother used to tell me, “The time is far spent.” We have to move this year.

There is a psychological war going on in this country and it’s whether or not Black people are going to be able to use the terms they want about their movement without white people’s blessing. We have to tell them we are going to use the term “Black Power” and we are going to define it because Black Power speaks to us. We can’t let them project Black Power because they can only project it from white power and we know what white power has done to us. We have to organize ourselves to speak from a position of strength and stop begging people to look kindly upon us. We are going to build a movement in this country based on the color of our skins that is going to free us from our oppressors and we have to do that ourselves.

We have got to understand what is going on in Lowndes County, Alabama, what it means, who is in it and what they are doing so if white people steal that election like they do all over this country then the eyes of black people all over this country will be focused there to let them know we are going to take care of business if they mess with us in Lowndes County. That responsibility lies on all of us, not just the civil rights workers and do-gooders.

If we talk about education we have to educate ourselves, not with Hegel or Plato or the missionaries who came to Africa with the Bible and we had the land and when they left we had the Bible and they had the land. We have to tell them the only way anybody eliminates poverty in this country is to give poor people money. You don’t have to Headstart, Uplift and Upward-Bound them into your culture. Just give us the money you stole from us, that’s all. We have to say to people in this country, “We don’t really care about you. For us to get better, we don’t have to go to white things. We can do it in our own community, ourselves if you didn’t steal the resources that belong there.” We have to understand the Horatio Alger lie and that the individualist, profit-concept nonsense will never work for us. We have to form cooperatives and use the profits to benefit our community. We can’t tolerate their system.

When we form coalitions we must say on what grounds we are going to form them, not white people telling us how to form them. We must build strength and pride amongst ourselves. We must think politically and get power because we are the only people in this country that are powerless. We are the only people who have to protect ourselves from our protectors. We are the only people who want a man called Willis removed who is a racist, that have to lie down in the street and beg a racist named Daley to remove the racist named Willis. We have to build a movement so we can see Daley and say, “Tell Willis to get hat,” and by the time we turn around he is gone. That’s Black Power.

Everybody in this country is for “Freedom Now” but not everybody is for Black Power because we have got to get rid of some of the people who have white power. We have got to get us some Black Power. We don’t control anything but what white people say we can control. We have to be able to smash any political machine in the country that’s oppressing us and bring it to its knees. We have to be aware that if we keep growing and multiplying the way we do in ten years all the major cities are going to be ours.

We have to know that in Newark, New Jersey, where we are sixty percent of the population, we went along with their stories about integrating and we got absorbed. All we have to show for it is three councilmen who are speaking for them and not for us. We have to organize ourselves to speak for each other. That’s Black Power. We have to move to control the economics and politics of our community…