Kosmedix Helps Your Business

“I believe women hold the power to change the world in a positive way by our powerful intention, our powerful action and our powerful example,� says Carole Cross, one of Kosmedix’s leading business mentors who believes the company is powerful and inspiring. “We can change ourselves and our world with grace and gratitude.�

Is Kosmedix a new business model that is revolutionizing the industry or just a new, fading twist?      

“We are leading a revolution in the network marketing/home-based business industry,â€? says Dr. Maha Lesch, CEO of Kosmedix, Inc., located in Denver, Colo. (http://kosmedix.com). “We are moving away from the narrow vision of just wanting people to be independent sales reps. We have a much broader vision, one that empowers women and shifts the risk of marketing away from the small business owner. Our goal is to partner with women so we all reach success.â€?       
Dr. Lesch is part of a growing movement of mothers who prefer to work from home so they are there for their children. She has created the Kosmedix method as an option for them to be able to work from home and make a good living.       
Kosmedix is on a mission to change the face of the century-old direct selling industry. According to the Direct Selling Association, there were almost 13 million people involved in direct sales across the country in 2004, and their sales amounted to almost $30 billion. Yet, the industry is facing many challenges. One of these challenges is in the business model itself and whether it can deliver on its promise.      

“The main issue, I believe, is the placement of most of the risk on the independent sales force of expecting them to create their own leads on a constant basis,â€? explains Dr. Lesch. “Many people joined because they wanted more time for themselves and their families; they wanted help in generating an income. In addition, in many instances they are spending their own money to purchase leads and market the products. We believe our approach eliminated all of this and created a new business model for how this business should be approached.â€?      

Some of the differences that can be found in the Kosmedix approach to partnering with people include the idea that they have business programs instead of starter kits. They also offer mentoring and training, as well as handling marketing and offering partners a stream of pre-qualified leads so that people don’t have to create them.      

“One of the first things people inquire about is what they do if they already have a business,â€? says Dr. Lesch. “I always tell them that we don’t mind and we will help centralize all their existing businesses under one umbrella. We give people all the support they need because we realize that their success is our success.â€?      

Whether this is a new revolution in an old, established tradition or just a new twist has yet to be seen. Meanwhile, Kosmedix is bringing a new voice to the home-based business industry, with more new followers joining every day. 
“I believe women hold the power to change the world in a positive way by our powerful intention, our powerful action and our powerful example,� says Carole Cross, one of Kosmedix’s leading business mentors who believes the company is powerful and inspiring. “We can change ourselves and our world with grace and gratitude.�

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