Introducing KANI.VISIONS an inventive 3D Art and Web Design company owned and operated by young, brilliant entrepreneur KARL KANI Jr.
KARL started off as a student athlete, receiving a full scholarship to play baseball at the University of Washington. He realized his passion for 3D Art after graduating college. “I have always had a love for computers as well as cartoons and animation but didn’t know what I wanted to do with it. I studied computer science in college and quickly figured out that it wasn’t what I wanted to do. One day I was watching Disney’s animated movie, The Incredibles, and I wondered, “How did they create that movie? I was fascinated. Ever since then I have been in love with 3D animation and web design.”, he says.
Cognizant of the fact that there aren’t many black 3D Art and Web Designers, KARL decided to design a brand that represents his unique vision and perception of art. “I want my viewers to see how my creative mind works and see things from my perspective. You don’t see much representation of black people in Motion Design and 3D Animation. I want young, black children to see that it’s possible to have a career in this field. Although they don’t say it, most people are surprised when they find out the person behind my work is black. I want to change that.”, he says.
A huge inspiration to KARL is Don Allen Stevenson, artist and specialist trainer for DREAMWORKS ANIMATION picture company. “Don is a very successful black 3D artist who creates amazing visual content. Seeing his work made my dream seem that much more attainable.” He also admires artist and graphic designer BEEPLE (Mike Winkelmann), whose art visualizes music through the medium of video. “I would love to collaborate with BEEPLE on a project!”, he exclaims.
KARL’s favorite type of animations to create are Realistic 3D Renders. For us non-creatives, 3D rendering is a method used to create a variety of images that are believably realistic. “It’s pretty cool to create an animated lifelike visualization and have people ask me if its real or not.”, he laughs.
KARL’s website boasts his myriad of work. Among them is his favorite piece, the striking and imaginative Louis Vuitton Quarantine Outfit video. “I take great pride in the videos I create and the Instagram filters I’m designing. It is a smooth and enjoyable process for me. Every time I work with a client I want them to feel like they made the best decision of their life by choosing to work with me! My wish is to continue creating and growing my brand until I have my own production company.”, he declares.
Pay close attention to this young man, he has a very bright future ahead of him!