Jitu Weusi With Ancestors. Other Community Announcements

[Community Announcements]

1. Brother Jitu Weusi joined the ancestors on Wednesday at 4:30 PM. Funeral arrangements not yet finalized.


From: [email protected]
Date: May 21, 2013 12:00:00 AM EDT
I am sending out a request for people to call the warden at USP Victorville and request that Dr. Mutulu Shakur be given physical therpy for the after effects of the stroke he suffered in February.

I received some information after requesting more info on Mutulu’s stroke. I put together an informational sheet from the e-mails I have received from him.

Paulette Jericho Nat Sec
— “We Must Pick Up The Work To Free ALL Our Political Prisoners & Prisoners Of War!”

Free All Political Prisoners!
[email protected] • www.jerichony.org


3. African Liberation At Home and Abroad
CEMOTAP will host Harlem Poet Laureate George Edward Tait on Saturday May 25, 2013 at2:00 PM. CEMOTAP CENTER is located at 135-05 Rockaway Boulevard, South Ozone Park, Queens NY 11420

Admission is Free  Call 718-322-8454 for further info.

Brother Tait is also a member of Family and Friends of Dr. Mutulu Shakur!

4. Mugabe-Villain or Hero
Exclusive film showing at Sistas’ Place

6:30 PM Fri. May 24, 2013
456 Nostrand Ave
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 398-1766

5. The Freedom School PRESENTS:
“The World is my Home – The Life of Paul Robeson”

A benefit show to support the Paul Robeson Freedom School summer program
Friday, May 24th | 8-10:30pm
St. Ann & The Holy Trinity Church – Brooklyn Heights
157 Montague St  Brooklyn, NY 11201
TICKETS $25 before May 25th (student discount avail)
BUY Online or Call 718-616-9587
“Powerful & poignant, entertaining & educational, heartfelt & humorous, the show celebrates this common Humanity, as Robeson fights globally for Social Justice for Blacks, Jews, Welsh & Spanish workers.”
Featuring acclaimed actor Stogie Kenyatta
With introductions by Honored Guests:
Basir McHawi – Host, Education at the Crossroads, WBAI Radio
Iya Olatunji – Community activist, widow of master drummer Babatunde Olatunji
Victoria Sobel – Student leader, Free Cooper Union
To make a donation to the Paul Robeson Freedom School, please visit our website.

6. – Forwarded message From: African Liberation Day [email protected] 

Saturday, May 25, 2013 – Washington, DC – USA
To: [email protected]

Dear Friend,
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) hopes that this correspondence finds you in the best of health and revolutionary spirit. We write to you as we organize the 50th anniversary celebration and commemoration of African Liberation Day (ALD).  This year’s observances will be held on:  Saturday, May 25, 2013 at the Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Road NW, Washington, DC. 

ALD (African Liberation Day) for the A-APRP (GC) is being organized under the banner “Take African Liberation Day Back To Revolutionary Pan-Africanism: Africa Is On Fire!”  This theme was chosen out of what we believe is a critical need to clarify the very nature of the revolutionary struggle for Pan-Africanism at this moment in history.

We invite you, your family and friends to attend and share this year’s ALD forum with us as we discuss, debate, and clarify issues that have advanced or impeded the African revolution and the struggle to achieve its primary objective, Pan-Africanism.

ALD 2013 Symposium – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Panel 1:  Take African Liberation Day Back to Revolutionary Pan-Africanism:  Africa Is On Fire!
Invited Participants: Lang T.K.A. Nubour – Centre for Conscientist Studies & Analyses * Explo Nani-Kofi – Kilombo Centre for Civil Society and African Self-Determination * Ismael Conde – Parti de la Revolution Populaire Africain de Guinee * Kit Aastrup – Danish Cuban Friends in Aarhus, Denmark * Ibrahim Ebeid – Iraq Palestine Committee, Iraqi Resistance Movement & Arab Baath Socialist Party * Johnson Mlambo & Ike Mafole – Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania * Jafar Jafari – Palestine Liberation Movement * Nubia Kai – Malcolm X Grassroots Movement * Kali Akuno – Black Left Unity Network & Malcolm X Grassroots Movement * Penny Gamble-Williams & Janice Denny – American Indian Movement * Bill Means – International Indian Treaty Council * Dr. Zoe Spencer – Associate Professor of Sociology, Virginia State University

Panel 2:  Building and Consolidating Revolutionary Alliances within the Revolutionary Pan-Africanist and Socialist Movements!
Invited Participants: Charo Mina-Rojas – Black Community Process (Colombia) * Eugenia Charles, Director –  Fondasyon Mapou (Haiti) * Herman Wainggai –  West Papua National Authority (Papua New Guinea) * Diego Pari, Ambassador – Embassy of Bolivia to OAS * Sonia Umanzor, Cultural Attache –  Embassy of El Salvador * Patricia Pego Guerra, First Secretary – Cuban Interests Section * Marcos Garcia, Second Secretary & Labor Attache – Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela * Machivenyika Maparanga,  Ambassador – Embassy of Zimbabwe

ALD 2013 Diplomatic Reception – 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
co-sponsored by Friends of the Congo
Diplomatic Reception:  Celebrating and Commemorating the 50thAnniversary of African Liberation Day!  Forward to One Unified Socialist Africa!
Maurice Carney, Executive Director – Friends of the Congo * Ofunshi Oba Koso, President – MN Yoruba Cuba Association, Cuban-born nephew of the late Freddy Ilanga (Che Guevera’s personal interpreter in the Congo) and protégé of Victor Dreke (Che’s second-in-command in the Congo) * Bob Brown – A-APRP(GC) & Kwame Ture Papers Project

In Solidarity with Palestine Day (May 15), and In Remembrance of Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh (May 19).

We are asking all ALD participants to RSVP through our website atwww.a-aprp-gc.org . We look forward to seeing you at ALD. If you cannot physically be present, we appreciate your participation at the level in which you are capable. We thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions or concerns, please submit your email reply to [email protected]
Admission is Free! – Space is Limited!
You must RSVP!  Click Here!

Click here to make a DONATION TODAY!
To help build ALD 2013!

Join and Support the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC)
For more information, contact
www.a-aprp-gc.org – [email protected] – (202) 719-0529


“Images of the African Child, Past, Present, at Home 
and Abroad: An Afternoon with Runoko Rashidi”
 at CEMOTAP CENTER 135-05 Rockaway Boulevard
South Ozone Park, Queens, NY Admission is Free
Call  718-322-8454 for further info.


8. From: Yul-san Liem [email protected]  Justice Committee Statement on the Dismissal of the Indictment of Richard Haste

The Justice Committee condemns the dismissal of the indictment of Richard Haste, the NYPD Officer who killed Ramarley Graham on Feb. 2, 2012.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Ramarley’s family.  We pledge to support their struggle for justice in whatever way we can.

Although an outrage, Judge Steven L. Barrett’s decision to drop the manslaughter charges against Haste is not surprising. The District Attorney’s Office’s sloppy and inadequate handling of the case is also a story with which families who have lost loved ones to the NYPD are far too familiar. It is important for New Yorkers to understand that there is an inherent conflict of interest when the DA’s office prosecutes NYPD officers. This conflict is rooted in their daily reliance on one another.

They are on the same side and part of the same system. As we’ve seen in the cases of Sean Bell (in which the officers responsible were acquitted of all charges), Noel Polanco (in which a grand jury failed to indict), Shantel Davis (in which a grand jury has yet to be convened), Iman Morales (in which a grand jury was never convened) and so many others the DA’s investigation and prosecution of cases of police killing is lackadaisical at best and more often than not, non-existent. As long as this process remains the only vehicle families have for achieving justice, we will continue to see NYPD officers get away with killing innocent New Yorkers. It is for this reason that the Justice Committee calls for a special Independent Prosecutor for all cases of police killing.

The blatant disregard for the lives of Black and Latino/a people in New York City cannot be tolerated. The NYPD must be held accountable for their abusive behavior towards communities of color. Mothers should not live in fear, scared every time their children leave the house that they may be brutalized by the very “civil servants” who are supposed to “protect and serve.” Young New Yorkers of color should feel they can go to the store, attend school and explore the City without being consistently Stopped, Questioned and Frisked.

Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly continue to ignore New Yorkers’ cries for an end to this abusive practice, which often serves as a gateway for police harassment, assaults and killings. Their on-going support of discriminatory and abusive policing and indifference to demands for change only fuel New Yorkers’ outrage.  When anger boils over, they further target our communities, as they did by flooding East Flatbush with officers and assaulting and arresting 46 people in response to the Kimani Gray protests last March.

Until the majority of New Yorkers realize we do not have to live this way – that this is not normal or humane – the abuse will persist and police officers will continue to act above the law with the support of the Mayor and Police Commissioner.

It is crucial to remember that police violence is a systemic issue that impacts New York’s diverse communities in a variety of ways. Therefore, in order to end it, we too must engage a variety of tactics – from educating each other about our rights, to promoting the practice of monitoring and documenting the police, to supporting policies that help change the NYPD.

The Justice Committee calls upon all New Yorkers – because it will take all of us – to stand together against abusive policing in our city. We call on you to fight along side all the families, who are the most severally impacted by police violence. We ask that you support Ramarley Graham’s family and demand that a new grand jury be convened immediately.

We ask you to support the Community Safety Act changethenypd.org/community-safety-act and the establishment of an Independent Prosecutor for all cases of police killing. We ask that you join a Cop Watch team and download the New York Civil Liberties Union’s Stop and Frisk App www.nyclu.org/app or use your phone cameras to film every interaction between police officers and community members you see.

You can also upload your videos to a new Cop Watch website that will be launched by ColorOfChange.org next week. Your mere presence can be the difference between life and death for community members who are being targeted by the police.  Adding your voice and heart to the struggle for police accountability can help build the power we need to win justice.

To get involved contact us at [email protected].
Palante Siempre!

Justice Committee
Follow us: @watchthecops
Like us on facebook: JusticeCommitteeNY