Jan 6th Congressional Hearings: “Trump Incited Violence On January 6th”

Photos: YouTube

NAACP President Derrick Johnson released the following statement on January 6th Congressional hearings and the criminally seditious behavior of Donald Trump in provoking the attack against American democracy:

“The bipartisan hearings have made it clear – Donald Trump incited violence on January 6th, and was directly involved in the attacks at the Capitol. Think about that, a President of the United States was directly implicated in the attempt to overthrow the votes of the American People.

This November, voters must remember just how close democracy was to its deathbed on that day. Don’t forget, it wasn’t just Donald Trump. State legislatures and governors went along with Trump’s conspiracies and plans to dismantle democracy in 2020, and they almost did. This election is about those who believe in democracy, and those who believe in dismantling it – from congresspeople, governors, state senators, state representatives, secretaries of state, and everyone up and down the ballot.

Every single eligible American must make a plan to go out and vote to protect our democracy. Many Americans will need to familiarize themselves with the new oppressive laws enacted since 2020, and plan accordingly. The far-right is making it harder for us to vote – unconstitutionally – but voting is the only tool we have to dig us out of this fascist movement.”