H.R. 40 Is Just a Bill to Study Reparations, Not Pay Reparations

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Mr. Lindsey “Rob” Robinson, from the www.BlackEconomics.org website, released this response regarding the recent commentary: ‘Democrats Should Push Reparations Bill Before Next Congress.’

H.R. 40 is just a bill to STUDY Reparations. I can think of nothing sillier. NOTHING!!!

We must stop thinking as second-class citizens. NOW!

You mean to tell me that Black voters cannot be enlightened to cajole incumbent Black congressional members until a bill to PAY Reparations reaches the legislative floor for a vote???

After the vote, Black media and some of the rest of the so-called mainstream media can force each “NO” vote to explain what it would take for them to become “YES” votes on Reparations.

But NO! We have so many disenfranchised Black men until Black women voters are largely the Black voting voice by default. Too many Black men are in no position to engage with Black women to form a solid/strong Black voting voice.

There is no way that 90 percent of Black people and Black voters are not adamantly supporting Reparations if enlightened Black people with a voice use our voice!!!
Lindsey “Rob” Robinson\Black Economics.org: https://blackeconomics.org/index.php/about-us/