Hotel Rwanda’s Rusesabagina Facing Life Imprisonment

Photo: YouTube

Before history began to be rewritten, the hotel manager and the rebel leader were hailed as heroes of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Paul Rusesabagina, whose story of sheltering Tutsis from machete-wielding Hutu militiamen was turned into the Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda, visited the White House to receive the US presidential medal of freedom from George W Bush.

Paul Kagame, leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) rebels who overthrew the Hutu extremist regime that led the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis, has been feted by prime ministers and presidents for ending the slaughter and rebuilding Rwanda. Bill Clinton called Kagame “one of the greatest leaders of our time”.

But more than quarter of century after the genocide, Rusesabagina is in a Kigali prison awaiting the verdict on 20 August in his trial on charges of terrorism, murder and founding an armed group intent on overthrowing Kagame.

Read rest of story here.