Clinton now claims that Senator Barack Obama is “elitist.� This is downright disingenuous. Obama was once a community activist in poor Chicago neighborhoods. Clinton and her husband over the past eight years have been on a mad money-grab addiction, accumulating $109 million.
Senator Hillary Clinton’s credibility was shot with her Bosnian lies. She dodged bullets that never existed. So whatever she says –or whatever she had said– needs to be examined carefully.
Clinton now claims that Senator Barack Obama is “elitist.” This is downright disingenuous. Obama was once a community activist in poor Chicago neighborhoods. Clinton and her husband over the past eight years have been on mad money-grab missions to satisfy their addiction, accumulating $109 million.
How much does Senator Clinton care about hard working “little people”? The ones who never get to make a million dollars in a lifetime, let alone $109 million?
Well, let’s consider the facts.
According to media reports, Clinton’s campaign had not been paying small vendors, including mom-and-pop businesses that worked on behalf of the campaign, tens of thousands of dollars.
While Clinton was giving these hard working Americans the shaft, Clinton somehow agreed to pay disgraced campaign strategist Mark Penn $10 million; she also owes him another check for $2.5 million.
Moreover, Penn who was supposedly “secretly” negotiating with the Colombian government to help get a trade agreement approved in Washington–an agreement senator Clinton allegedly opposes because it might take away more American jobs from hard working “little people” including in Pennsylvania– has not been fired from the Clinton campaign, contrary to the deliberately confusing signal the campaign has sent out.
Penn remains on the Clinton campaign payroll and continues to work for her; he may in fact have only lost his title. This raises questions about how “angered” the senator was when Penn’s “secret” negotiations were exposed by a Wall Street Journal article. Clinton’s claim that she had no knowledge of the discussions must be taken with a grain of salt, in light of her Bosnia concoctions. The good senator from New York has a tendency to do or say anything; the truth be damned.
Clearly the senator’s priorities are twisted.
While finding millions for Mark Penn, Senator Clinton had not paid the premiums for health insurance coverage for her own campaign staff, it was reported. Yet, she wants the nation to believe that as President Clinton, she would somehow be able to provide an insurance program that would cover the entire nation?
Charity begins at home.
So as voters in Pennsylvania ponder over which candidate to support come April 22, they should look at the facts and determine who really is the “elitist” and who really is “out of touch” with the hard working “little people.”
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