Healthy Diet, Healthy Living

“My personal mission is to help people learn to overcome their own issues with eating and weight,� he explains. And, as a man who went from being a weight-loss seeker to being a weight-loss guru, he’s more than happy to spread the word and help others overcome the same challenges that he once faced

Reliable weight-loss information can be hard to find. Just ask Hamilton Erridge, president and founder of the New Lifestyle Diet (

“A lot of doctors are more than happy to discuss diets,� says Erridge, “but there are very few out there who have actually been overweight themselves. As a result, they don’t fully understand the personal challenges facing their patients.� Erridge, who lost over 100 pounds in 2002, found himself struggling to find a source for understanding the challenges he was trying to overcome. Feeling alone and hoping to find others that felt the same, he started a free discussion board (

“Almost overnight, the community exploded,� explained Erridge. It now receives millions of visits each month from people seeking advice and support for creating new habits and behaviors in their lives. Through his experiences interacting with people within the community, Erridge came to a realization: while many different roads exist for losing weight, providing people with a process for overcoming personal eating- and food-issues was critical for achieving long-term weight-loss success. As a result, he founded the New Lifestyle Diet, a rapid-weight-loss program that includes a comprehensive process for allowing people to work through their own issues, develop new behaviors, and ultimately learn to keep the weight off. 

“When giving people a way to lose weight, it’s important to address their underlying issues and provide them with the skills to develop new behaviors,� states Erridge. “That is the secret to success. Furthermore, within a supportive and understanding community, people can further verbalize their experiences and strengthen their behaviors by helping others.�

“My personal mission is to help people learn to overcome their own issues with eating and weight,� he explains. And, as a man who went from being a weight-loss seeker to being a weight-loss guru, he’s more than happy to spread the word and help others overcome the same challenges that he once faced.

Note To Black Star readers: In October The Black Star News is launching “LoseTheHeavy� an anti-obesity campaign that will last for 10 months and include health/fitness seminars and public exercise sessions. If you would like to become a sponsor or if you own a restaurant that serves healthy foods, or a gym, fitness center, health club, clinic, health spa, etc. and would like to participate in our campaign by hosting a seminar or public exercise session please call (212) 481-7745 and ask for one of the coordinators, Milton Allimadi, Brenda Wyche, or Vernon Verdree. Participating establishments will be listed on a dedicated website together with the events’ dates. Our radio sponsor for the campaign is WWRL1600 AirAmerica Radio.