Give It Up Joe, To Save America And Our Planet

By Harvey Wasserman

Photos: YouTube Screenshots\WikimediaCommons

Joe Biden can neither defeat Donald Trump nor save our world. Amidst his third bout of COVID-19, he needs to resign ASAP. 

But before he goes, Biden MUST commute the sentence of Leonard Peltier to his “time served” of nearly fifty years.

Unless he is quickly freed, Leonard will soon die in prison, a spiritual calamity of the highest order.

Likewise the slaughters in Gaza and Ukraine, which must end before they torture our global soul into oblivion.

If Biden stays in the race he will surely lose to Trump.

If he bows instead to Vice President Harris, she has a good chance to defeat The Donald’s twisted cabal of female-fearing mobster/monsters. They are right now at their peak, riding a tsunami like the one that destroyed Fukushima. It will never get better for them.

But their hate cult is still 100 days away from sealing the electoral deal.

A majority of the Americans still know that in the first week of the Trump Dictatorship, The Donald would shred all Biden and his liberal cohorts ever meant to accomplish. Within a month the Trump Cult would forever bury what’s left of American democracy. Within a year they’d doom the planetary eco-systems on which our survival depends.

Biden and his DNC flunkies can make this tragedy happen by hanging on to their last infuriating illusions of residual control.

Or they can rise.

Biden can summon the power of the Indigenous, commute Peltier’s sentence to time serve— nearly 50 years— and let him return to his people for his few remaining moments.

The Democrats can break the spell of fossil/nuke power and pave the way to Solartopia.

The Donald long since sold his soul to the billionaire purveyors of King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes & Gas). So have Democrats like Gavin Newsom, still bowing before reactors like the aptly named Diablo Canyon.

Because Biden refuses to face his declining health, we labor under the Big Lie that a Trump Dictatorship is inevitable.

Biden must leave the White House. His regular Democrats must be disempowered. The stop-Trump campaign must shift from the corporate media miasma to a relational pro-democracy crusade built around grassroots organizing and face-to-face persuasion.

The most significant power shifts in human history— from men to women, from minority whites to the rainbow majority, from corporate-controlled fossil/nukes to nature-based renewables— are now in progress.

Between now and November, only Kamala Harris can move the electoral needle toward the better angels of the American soul.

But we have barely 100 days.  Our lives, our fortunes, our sacred planet hang in the balance.

 Harvey Wasserman co-hosts CALIFORNIA SOLARTOPIA at KPFK/Pacifica at 90.7FM in Los Angeles and most Wednesdays at 5pm PT.  He co-hosts the Green Grassroots Election Protection zoom ( most Mondays at 2pm PT.  He wrote THE PEOPLE’S SPIRAL OF US HISTORY and SOLARTOPIA!  OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH.