Genocide And War: Will Netanyahu’s Mass Murdering Militarism Lead To World War Three?

By Colin Benjamin

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By Colin Benjamin

Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons

Will the United States allow Israel’s genocidal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to lead our world into a widespread war in the Middle East?

Netanyahu has now escalated his warmongering actions against Palestinians by bombing and invading Lebanon. What happens when Israel launches bombing attacks against Iran?

When Iran is attacked, do American and Western nations think it can be contained? Are they considering what other Muslim nations will then do in response to Netanyahu’s monstrous aggression? And, will Russia and China not help their ally Iran?

For a year now, since the “intelligence failure” of Oct. 7, 2023, the world has witnessed an unfolding genocide against the Palestinian people. This follows the killing of 1,139 people, including 71 foreign nationals, who had their lives taken on Oct. 7. Those deaths have been roundly denounced by the international community, as they should be.

However, hypocritically, our misleaders continue to show us all lives (particularly non-white ones) just don’t matter—as they have allowed Netanyahu to murder at least 42,000 Palestinians in a horrific orgy of unrestrained brutality. The killings have bi-partisan support in America, even by the party which claims to be “pro-life.”

Gaza has become synonymous with genocide.

Repeatedly, we hear the parroted phrase “Israel has the right to exist.” Palestinians don’t have that same right? Why is it justified for unarmed non-violent Palestinian civilians to be slaughtered routinely while world leaders tell us “Israel has the right to defend itself?”

Butcher “Bibi’ Netanyahu, who has not been restrained by America or Western powers, is now playing a dangerous game of military escalation with bombing attacks against Lebanon and Iran. Will the American government stop Netanyahu before the whole Middle East explodes in bloodletting flames?

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The current political climate in the region is extremely dangerous. Netanyahu, is a desperate man, who would be facing a potential prison sentence now—if there was a state of relative peace in Israel. This is why it is pure fantasy that Netanyahu ever seriously considered a ceasefire. Conflict, not peace, is the cover Netanyahu is using to buy time.

Unfortunately, the American government, and Western nations, have been playing along with Netanyahu’s gambit. But why?

The major reason is money. Shamefully, particularly, in America, we see both Democrats and Republicans cheering the gory actions of Netanyahu’s racist right-wing government. The AIPAC lobby’s blood-soaked money now stains the pockets of many of our politicians on Capitol Hill. Since most have no moral compass, they will not speak truth about the atrocities in Palestine. This is especially true after AIPAC’s successful primary attacks, with the blessings of Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, against New York’s Jamaal Bowman and Missouri’s Cori Bush.

2024 will go down in history as the year when America’s political class lost all credibility, internationally. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have been fully exposed as unprincipled political actors who care more about their careers than the “rule of law,” human rights, or democracy.

Who is going to listen now when American politicians give grandiose speeches about these ideals they failed to live up to when genocide was occurring right before our eyes?

Isn’t it interesting that it was South Africa, and not a Western nation, that decided to step up and carry the charge of genocide to the United Nations’ International Court of Justice? For years, we have seen another international court, the International Criminal Court, prosecute numerous African leaders. Given the clear-cut genocidal actions of this right-wing Israeli government, will the judges of the International Criminal Court approve the arrest warrant that was issued by ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, for Netanyahu’s arrest, despite obstruction from Western politicians, particularly by President Joe Biden?  

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The contrast between President Biden’s dishonorable defending of Netanyahu’s mass murder campaign, and South Africa’s righteous stand, in speaking up for the “least of these” in Palestine is shocking, and utterly shameful. Especially, when, next January, Biden and the rest of our bought-and-paid-for politicians will be preaching and extolling the virtues of Dr. King’s philosophy of non-violence.

Recently, France’s President Emmanuel Macron announced a halt in arms deliveries to Israel saying, “the priority is that we return to a political solution, that we stop delivering weapons to fight in Gaza.” Shouldn’t this be the stance of the entire Western world? How many Palestinians must be massacred before the serial-killer prime minister of Israel is stopped from committing more murders?

The United Nations now faces a serious credibility crisis because more people now realize it is impotent in stopping the crimes of the world’s major powers. Of course, the undemocratic nature of the Security Council is a real problem. Of the 15 members of the Council only five are permanent members, and any one country can veto any action. In this case, the United States has been vetoing actions to stop the genocide in Palestine. Members of the General Assembly have complained about America’s veto of calls for a ceasefire.    But American officials continue to tell the world blatant lies claiming Hamas, not Netanyahu, is undermining any hopes of a ceasefire.

The truth is: Netanyahu is now trying to escalate the military mayhem in the Middle East by targeting Iran. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration’s posture is presently wimpy in standing up to Netanyahu.

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If Netanyahu is not stopped soon the mass murders in the Middle East will continue—and even worse, we may be about to see World War three.