Yoweri Museveni. Photo: Facebook
Dear Mr President,
Several months ago, I was amused to read in the local paper that you have directed a UK based public relations agency, to clean up your image and the image of Uganda – in order to continue garnering Western silence in respect of the true character of your regime. If your national address disavowing all forms of torture on 14th August 2021 is anything to go by, they have clearly failed; for your monologue did not amount to a hill of beans.
I believe there is a cheaper way to clean up your reputation. Here is how you may do it: Members of your ruling political party, the NRM, who are jabbering about the future being guaranteed for another generation in power, are clearly intoxicated with hubris. For no political party, let alone a political movement, has a divine right to exist. If they did, Uganda would be a different country today. It is highly likely that the NRM will eventually disintegrate under the ever growing weight of her own contradictions, lies and corruption.
Indeed, your disastrous mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic aside, there is credibility to a school of thought that changing demographics will ultimately shift the terms of trade for the NRM countrywide. But there’s a rub: Ultimately maybe a long time coming.
While it is true that ultimately will not arrive soon enough to save the opposition parties from yet another defeat at the next election cycle, thanks to the NRM’s accomplished skill at rigging elections; and yet, the reality is, the tide is turning against you.
For the rest of the commentary please see thekamugasachallenge