Film Screening: “Mugabe Villain or Hero?”


Film Screening: “Mugabe Villain or Hero?”

Presented by the Wagner Student Alliance for Africa (WSAFA) and co-sponsored by The African Affairs Committee of the United Nations Association Young Professional (UNA-SNY Young Professionals), AfriMETRO, New York, Afrikanspot, Society of International Business and Development (SIBD), African Development Institute (ADI) and Council of Young African Leaders (CYAL).

Is there more to President Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe than is being shown on our television screens? What’s the true extent of Mugabe’s support inside Zimbabwe? What has happened to the country that they once called the “bread basket of Africa”- and why?

All of these questions are tackled by British filmmaker Roy Agyemang in his documentary, “Mugabe: Villain or Hero?”

The film 

is an epic personal journey narrated by Agyemang who, together with his UK-based Zimbabwean fixer, found themselves in Mugabe’s entourage, on Colonel Gaddefi’s private jet and around a host of prominent African leaders.

This film, already screened at the British Film institute (BFI) London and Pan African Film Festival, Los Angeles, explores the relationship between African and Western leaders in the fight for African Minerals.

Roy Agyemang will answer other questions about President Mugabe and Zimbabwe in a Q&A session following the screening.

To see more, please watch this short video.

When: 3/28/2013 11:30am-2:30pm
The Puck Building, The Rudin Family Forum for Civic Dialogue, 2nd Fl.
295 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012-9604  map