Empowerment Strategies ON DVD

God did not give you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind. The more you control fear, the higher your success rate is. Fear will paralyze you. Therefore we must learn that since the Creator did not give us a spirit of fear, we should not have one

For the first time ever EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES, the first in a series of DVDs is being launched by Eady and Associates president Kermit Eady — genius founder and former president of the Black United Fund of New York (BUFNY). 

Empowerment Strategies is a spin-off of Eady and Associates’ six-week intensive Empowerment Institute Seminar Series, which has been instrumental in helping so many others go from working for someone else to working for themselves. Now you, too, can benefit from Kermit Eady’s years of expertise and experience as a business leader and entrepreneur.  View the DVD when and where you want, and open the door to creativity, prosperity and success.  Transform yourself and your business from margin to major. 

From the beginning you will learn Universal Laws and Principles of life, their application to start-up businesses, business development, and success for your own personal life. Eady shares insights with you and how to apply them:  “If you want to be successful in business or any profession, including being a good student, learning and applying these laws and principles will change your life and definitely bring about the desired results.”

Like the Empowerment Strategies Seminar, EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES includes crucial tips from successful businessmen and women who started from scratch and succeeded against all odds by applying many of these same universal principles and laws.  It takes you from fear to freedom:  “God did not give you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind.  The more you control fear, the higher your success rate is. Fear will paralyze you. Therefore we must learn that since the Creator did not give us a spirit of fear, we should not have one.”

Who better to teach a course on self empowerment than Kermit Eady, whose credibility is legendary throughout the business, social and political realm? In 1979 the former social worker founded the Black United Fund of New York with a small investment of eight thousand dollars. Over 25 years he transformed the fledgling non-profit organization into a business with assets of over $100 million. By developing a self help program through payroll deductions, where Black people contributed between $1.50 to $5.00 per pay check into a pool of funds, and in turn using those funds to underwrite locally based community programs, develop affordable housing, and provide scholarships and other services that were often lacking or overlooked by other entities.    

A powerful motivational speaker, negotiator, fund raiser, community leader, Eady has the unique distinction of having raised more money from Black people for Black people in New York State than anyone else in New York’s history.  Among the businesses he has successfully interfaced with are: Verizon, IBM, (a/ka NY Telephone), Inner City Broadcasting Company, AT&T, Lucent Technologies (formerly Bell Labs), Combined Municipal Campaign (including New York City, State, County and the Federal agencies in New York), Board of Education, City University of New York (CUNY), Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA), New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), New York State Employee Federate Appeal (SEFA), and Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), among others. As a result of Eady opening these heretofore unopened markets, thousands of charities all over the country are now enjoying his lucrative method of fundraising. 

BUFNY developed over 400 units of top quality, affordable housing throughout Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Projects were in progress in Staten Island, Albany/Troy, Westchester/Nassau Counties and other areas of New York State. They were also the first non-profit to own its own radio station.
Under the eloquent slogan “THE HELPING HAND THAT IS OUR OWN” Eady has consistently shared his success secrets so they could be replicated exponentially.  As a result millions of people all over the country now have greater freedom of choice because of his pioneering efforts.

Now it’s your turn to put Eady and Associates’ success strategies to work for you.  By viewing and studying the principles revealed in EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES in the privacy of your own living room you, too, will  benefit from the experience, success and knowledge that he’s has garnered over the years, and shared with those who have attended his seminars.

Do you think you need a lot of money to start your own business? Do you think it’s too late to start a business of your own? Do you think you’re too old or too young to start your own business? Do you think you need a college degree to start your own business? Do you think others have more luck than you? Do you think you were meant to struggle all you life? Do you think success only happens to other people? Do you think you can’t succeed because of your race or nationality? If you could learn principles of success that, when applied properly, would guarantee you success in business or whatever else you desire from someone whose done it all, would you?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, then it’s imperative that you get Empowerment Strategies DVD as soon as possible. EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES will teach you the 12 Laws of Success, the Dynamics of Business Start-Ups, Essential Legalities and Governance, Sources of Financing and Accounting Requirements, Real Opportunities in Franchising, Strategies of Marketing, Technology Roles and Integration, Raising Funds through Payroll Deductions; The Role of the Church in Business; Leadership and Integrity and other powerful strategies and methods for overcoming obstacles, thinking outside the box, and forming your own success team. This first in an ongoing series of instructional programs will jumpstart your way to success.  

To obtain your copy of EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES, or for more information about Eady and Associates, call 888-538-9803; or email [email protected]; website;  www.kermiteady.com.

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