eBooks: Fastrack To Cash

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FREE Q & A with eBook Coach, Ellen Violette. Ebooks are becoming increasingly popular for authors, because they can be very financially rewarding if exrcuted properly.

Ellen Violette, the eBook Coach will faciliate a FREE Q & A session via webcast or telephone, on eBook writing and Internet marketing, Monday, August 4th, 5:30 p.m. Pacific/ 8:30 p.m. Eastern time.

Everybody and their mother are writing books these days. And why not?  Each and every one of us possesses our very own story — a unique, jaw-dropping experience; a passion, expertise or niche, clamoring to be unleashed for the entire world to see. But too often, that burning desire is quickly extinguished as soon as the elbow hits the desk and the hand is placed securely on the paper.  Sizzling in determination, you squeeze that pen tightly between your fingers as you lean forward, bringing it down towards that oh, so thirsty sheet and suddenly . . . nothing happens.  All of that awe inspiring information that was once fighting to be freed suddenly takes a detour way, way back into the caverns of your discombobulated mind and then, “Poof!”– it’s gone — just like that. 

What in the world just happened?  Well, colleagues, it’s the age-old question that has perplexed billions of writers since the art was invented — “Where do I start?”  

Even if you are among the more fortunate group who actually complete the book, getting your work published is no easy feat and incredibly costly if you don’t know the ropes. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone down the drain along with a lifetime of dreams as a result of misinformation, lack of focus and misdirection.

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Ebooks are becoming increasingly popular with authors, because they can be very financially rewarding if executed properly. Another advantage of ebooks for the author is that they can be created and distributed at low cost and payment can be received automatically through an online payment service.  Readers like ebooks because they can be downloaded instantly, allowing the reader to receive the product immediately without having to wait for snail mail or travel to a bookstore.

If you are interested in writing e-books for a living, I recommend you seek the help of Ellen Violette, The eBook Coach. Ellen’s Quick-Start 3-Day eBook Authoring Workshop Home-Study Course  teaches how to author an ebook in 72 hours or less, and includes ideas on how to start marketing your ebook immediately.

Ellen Violette is a leading, 6-figure income ebook expert on all aspects of writing and marketing ebooks, including how to launch a successful business with an ebook.  Ellen is a Grammy nominated songwriter and Founder of the Virtual eBook Expo. When Ellen first started out, she spent over $60,000 learning how to write and market her ebook.  As a result of her own trial and error that rewarded her with 5 figures in her first year and 6 figures by her third year, she has designed a proven writing and marketing system that can save you $60,000 worth of trial and error and can more than likely make you much more, if you follow Ellen’s system.

To gain access to the FREE Q & A session with Ellen Violette, the eBook Coach CLICK HERE

Here are some other highly-successful coaching programs and info-products you can get from Ellen that can get you on the fastrack to ebook success:

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• Quick-Start 3-Day eBook Authoring Teleseminar Workshop Where you can author an ebook in 72 hours or less using small-business strategic principles that are ESSENTIAL for success on the Internet!

• Quick-Start 3-Day Authoring Workshop Home-Study Course  You’ll get the same powerful insider information as in the live-authoring workshop in an 8-CD set complete with manual and all the resources from Ellen’s personal rolodex! It’s perfect for do-it-yourselfers.

• The Truth About eBooks From Start To Finish (13 Steps To Writing A Massively Profitable eBook That The Experts Don’t Tell You) Stop guessing! This 2-part audio program lays out EXACTLY what you need to know to write your ebook and turn it into a printed book!

• The Moving Cure (How To Save Time, Money & Your Sanity)  A comprehensive guide/workbook for anyone who wants to avoid the hassles of moving! (Ellen’s first ebook that she wrote out of her own frustration of buying, fixing and selling houses and moving a lot! (Ellen used her system to cut her moving expenses by 50% and remove 90% of the stress associated with moving! This is the ebook that launched her career as an ebook coach).

To gain access to the FREE Q & A session with Ellen Violette, the eBook Coach CLICK HERE

Brenda Jeanne Wyche is Managing Editor for Harlem Business News and Founder of the Money Makers Club for Start-Ups and Emerging Small Business. If you have a solution, contact [email protected] .  Maybe we’ll talk.

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