Donald Trump: Stop Your Hate!

Donald Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore–Flickr

We are facing a moment of truth in America. The project we call America is at risk. The question before us is existential: will America survive as a multiracial democracy or will America continue to devolve into a violent ethno-state?

It’s time for those with the power to stop this descent to do just that: just stop.

Stop legitimizing and normalizing the hot rhetoric of racial and ethnic hatred.

Stop inciting violence against innocent people.

Stop demonizing and dehumanizing Black and Brown immigrants and refugees  seeking freedom in America.

Stop inciting racist violence with the rhetoric of “invasion” and “infestation.”  

Stop ripping the country apart by pointing the finger at people of color in order to excite your core supporters.

Stop the cruelty of your xenophobic policies of separating families, putting kids in cages and forcing those who exercise their legal right to apply for asylum to return to life-threatening conditions outside the country.

Stop behavior that does violence to the American maxim of E pluribus unum — Out of Many, One.

Stop your disrespect and disregard to the American idea that all of us, regardless of background or birthplace, are deserving of equal justice and full dignity.

Stop campaigning as if Trump’s narcissism is more important than American pluralism.

To Trump and his supporters, we are not asking you to actually bring this country together at this critical moment. We harbor no such illusions or expectations.  

Ours is a simpler request: if you have one shred of decency left; if you feel the slightest pull of patriotism; if you have one ounce of respect for America, then just stop.

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America’s Voice – Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform