Covid-19 Bailout: “Shameful” Corporate Bailout Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Says

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. Photo: nrkbeta/Wikimedia Commons
The following are excerpts of remarks made on the floors of the Senate before the vote on the Cover-19 vote. 
I represent one of the hardest hit communities in the hardest hit city in this country, Queens, New York. Thirteen dead in a night, in Elmhurst hospital alone. Our community’s reality is this country’s future if we don’t do anything.
Hospital workers do not have protective equipment. We don’t have the necessary ventilators. But we have to get into this vote eyes wide open. What did the Senate majority fight for? One of the largest corporate bailouts with as few strings as possible in American history. Shameful.
The greed of that fight is wrong, for crumbs for our families. And the option that we have is to let them suffer with nothing or to allow this greed and billions of dollars which will be leveraged into trillions of dollars to contribute to the largest income inequality gap in our future.
There should be shame about what was fought for in this bill, and the choices that we we have to make.