[NCAA Convention\Paying College Athletes]
Senator Chris Murphy: “Federal legislation must make sure the athletes who are drawing all the fans, viewers, and endorsements receive a portion of the bounty the industry of college athletics accrues. College athletes are getting robbed.”
Photo: Facebook\Color of Change

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, on Wednesday, released the following statement ahead of the annual NCAA convention that begins in Anaheim, California:

Federal legislation must make sure the athletes who are drawing all the fans, viewers, and endorsements receive a portion of the bounty the industry of college athletics accrues,” said Senator Murphy. “College athletes are getting robbed, and this is exactly what I told Dr. Emmert when I met with him last month. I’m grateful the NCAA has been at the table with Congress to help make reform a reality, and I hope to see serious, real proposals to compensate college athletes coming out of the NCAA,” said Murphy.

Last month, Murphy and U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) met with Dr. Mark Emmert, President of the NCAA, for the inaugural meeting of the Senate bipartisan working group created to address college athlete compensation and related issues.

Murphy has released three reports in a series that considered the range of problems within college athletics. His first report, released last March during the annual men’s basketball “March Madness” tournament, examined the billions in revenues produced by college sports and how that money enriches nearly everyone but the athletes themselves. Coaches, former athletes, and advocates have spoken out in support of Murphy’s first report.

Murphy’s second report examined the ways in which colleges fail in providing athletes the education they deserve. This report similarly received praise from coaches, former athletes and advocates.

Murphy released his third and final report last December that focused on the ways in which college and the NCAA neglect athletes’ health. This report received similar praise from key stakeholders and athletes themselves.