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[CBC\George Floyd Murder]
CBC: “How many times will the police officers be the judge, jury, and executioner towards our people? How many times will our human rights be violated? It is unacceptable to threaten and take our lives because you feel threatened by the color of our skin.”
Photo: Facebook

Congressional Black Caucus: “How many times will the police officers be the judge, jury, and executioner towards our people?”

The Congressional Black Caucus released the following statement on the murder of George Floyd by officers of the Minneapolis Police Department:

“This time his name was George Floyd.

“His crime, being a Black man in America.

“On Monday evening, George Floyd was killed at the hands of racist police officers, who insisted on using unnecessary force, which included kneeling on his neck, until he could no longer breathe. Within minutes and despite his cries out because he could not breathe, Floyd lost consciousness and died.

“How many times will the police officers be the judge, jury, and executioner towards our people? How many times will our human rights be violated?

“It is unacceptable to threaten and take our lives because you feel threatened by the color of our skin.

“The Congressional Black Caucus is calling on the Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo to conduct a full investigation of all officers involved and that all participating officers are immediately fired, arrested, and charged with murder. Our community can no longer be targeted, attacked, and killed with impunity.

“Being Black in America should not be a death sentence.”

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